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11-22-2013, 12:36 PM
Here is a really good example of the kind of insanity cultists of Anti-LDS Inc. resort to. Watch this exchange between me and a rabid Anti-Mo (Theo). Watch how quickly Anti-LDS make accusations and then when LDS defend themselves the Anti-LDS cry 'Personal Attack!!':

Russ: LDS at CARM avoid testimonies other than their own.

Me: I got about 45 minutes into it. Don't really need to see more.

But I am LDS, and at CARM, and didn't avoid it.

Theo: So if a critic were only to read half of the Book of Mormon, and on that basis reject it, you would be okay about it, and you wouldn't be whining that they needed to read the whole thing before making a determination?

Me: I would be okay about it. There is so much great stuff about Jesus Christ in the first half of the Book of Mormon that if someone only read that much and rejected it, they probably would reject the rest anyway.

Theo: Serously?!

Me: Well, sure!

Theo: Why don't I believe you?

Me: Because you are an Anti-Mormon/ LDS-critic, and that's what critics do.

Just look at the start of this thread. The first response to Russ' OP was Russ, making the first attack on the LDS.

It's what you guys do.

Theo: Russ bumped the thread after 11 hours, where it probably got buried into page 2. You guys complain when we bump a thread after only one hour, and now you whine when we bump threads after 11 hours? Seriously? Yet Mormons "bump" threads all the time, nice double standard you have there.

As for "attacking LDS", I didn't see it as an "attack" at all. But you guy seem to interpret anything other than a blind proclamation of "Mormonism is true!" to be an "attack". And since your entire church was started as an "attack" on Christianity, I'm not really impressed with your whining. More double standards.

Me: I think thou protesteth too much.

Theo: <chuckle>

You don't want us to respond, so that your whines will stand unrefuted.

So if we respond, you engage in personal attack.

Me: You should really re-read your posts before accusing others of whining.

Theo: Thank you for the personal attack.
God will bless me for it, and He will hold you to account.


See? Anti-LDS Inc. will accuse a Mormon of "whining". As soon as the Mormon turns it around and say the Anti-LDS person is the one whining, they cry "Personal attack!!!!"


11-22-2013, 04:13 PM
Theo is a hoot. I liked his recent ton of hypocrisy when he posted his belief that the Bible doesn't claim its authors were inspired, and then later lectures us for asking him what he believed about something because his beliefs are off topic for the forum.

A keeper

James Banta
11-22-2013, 05:58 PM
Theo is a hoot. I liked his recent ton of hypocrisy when he posted his belief that the Bible doesn't claim its authors were inspired, and then later lectures us for asking him what he believed about something because his beliefs are off topic for the forum.

A keeper

Again, Theo doesn't post here.. Take your complaints back to CARM.. IHS jim

11-22-2013, 10:54 PM
Again, Theo doesn't post here.. Take your complaints back to CARM.. IHS jim

These aren't complaints, James.

These are little nuggets of hypocritical goodness!!! They make us smile.

That's why this thread is not for the humor-impaired.

So you probably should just stop reading this thread now, since it isn't for you.

James Banta
11-23-2013, 09:13 AM
These aren't complaints, James.

These are little nuggets of hypocritical goodness!!! They make us smile.

That's why this thread is not for the humor-impaired.

So you probably should just stop reading this thread now, since it isn't for you.

You add it to the forum and you lose the right to tell people they can't read it. You lose the right to prevent people from committing on it. I have been told I have a keen sense of humor but I see NOTHING FUNNY about the your personally critical posts against a person who doesn't even post here.. Since you don't know me very well you really have no way to make personal judgments about me.. IHS jim

11-23-2013, 10:31 AM
Believe it or not, I actually got suspended once for pointing out the fact that AntiMormons like; Theo, Brian, FatherJD... All their replies can quickly be broken down into only three answers to everything a Mormon will say.

1. "Nuh-Uh" (without providing a reason as to why not)
2. "It's not exactly the same! (without providing a reason as to why not)
3. Take it to another forum!

Now I have recently toyed with the idea of adding a fourth, "You have no idea what you are talking about" (without providing a reason as to why not) response. But that is really just a combination of answers 1 and 2.

11-23-2013, 12:16 PM
You add it to the forum and you lose the right to tell people they can't read it. You lose the right to prevent people from committing on it.

Good grief, Jimmy! You really need some fresh Wasatch air! I don't care if you read OR post. I'm just saying that if you don't find it funny, probably better not to read.

Don't you continually invite people like me to leave the forum? Hahahaha

I have been told I have a keen sense of humor but I see NOTHING FUNNY about the your personally critical posts against a person who doesn't even post here..

I know you have a sense of humor. I just read all your stuff about how Jesus is still on the cross and still in Heaven and still in Hell. You are a pretty funny guy.

Since you don't know me very well you really have no way to make personal judgments about me.. IHS jim

Huh? Why did you bring yourself into this as though we are making personal judgments against you? Do you have a victim-complex?

The only things I know about you is that you are known to have a keen sense of humor and you cheated on your wife. So I can comment on that, right?

11-23-2013, 06:12 PM
Again, Theo doesn't post here.. Take your complaints back to CARM.. IHS jim

Yeah, well, Joseph Smith doesn't post here, and Thomas Monson doesn't post here....yet SOME posters here think it's okay to criticize THEM in this forum.....

...so obviously "He doesn't post here" isn't a good enough reason to tell people they shouldn't criticize a person...right? :)

James Banta
11-23-2013, 06:35 PM
Believe it or not, I actually got suspended once for pointing out the fact that AntiMormons like; Theo, Brian, FatherJD... All their replies can quickly be broken down into only three answers to everything a Mormon will say.

1. "Nuh-Uh" (without providing a reason as to why not)
2. "It's not exactly the same! (without providing a reason as to why not)
3. Take it to another forum!

Now I have recently toyed with the idea of adding a fourth, "You have no idea what you are talking about" (without providing a reason as to why not) response. But that is really just a combination of answers 1 and 2.

These people do not post here.. You have come to the wrong complaint department.. If CARM won't hear you, and you continue to believe that they are unfair, unfair to you, STOP POSTING THERE.. I know of no requirement that requires you to do so.. At any rate, there is nothing we here at WM can do about it.. Either 1. put up with it. 2. complain to the Mods. or 3. Leave CARM.. Those are your choices.. But which ever tact you take.. WM is not the right place to make YOUR COMPLAINTS.. IHS jim

11-23-2013, 07:04 PM
Yeah, well, Joseph Smith doesn't post here, and Thomas Monson doesn't post here....yet SOME posters here think it's okay to criticize THEM in this forum.....

...so obviously "He doesn't post here" isn't a good enough reason to tell people they shouldn't criticize a person...right? :)

Sound logic is not heard by the deaf.

Great point!

James Banta
11-23-2013, 07:27 PM
Sound logic is not heard by the deaf.

Great point!

I agree.. It sure isn't by either you or jeff.. IHS jim

11-23-2013, 09:51 PM
I agree.. It sure isn't by either you or jeff.. IHS jim

Aww, c'mon, Jimbo. You could try to come up with something other than "I know you are but what am I", couldn't you?

Snow Patrol
11-24-2013, 12:20 AM
These people do not post here.. You have come to the wrong complaint department.. If CARM won't hear you, and you continue to believe that they are unfair, unfair to you, STOP POSTING THERE.. I know of no requirement that requires you to do so.. At any rate, there is nothing we here at WM can do about it.. Either 1. put up with it. 2. complain to the Mods. or 3. Leave CARM.. Those are your choices.. But which ever tact you take.. WM is not the right place to make YOUR COMPLAINTS.. IHS jim

I participated at CARM for several years. I was warned for very ridiculous reasons and was even banned for a couple of weeks. All for very lame reasons. I got so sick of the hypocrisy that I couldn't stand it anymore. I enjoy the posts by others that have remained at CARM. It is fun to periodically find out that nothing has changed. So I say, keep them coming.

11-26-2013, 12:47 AM
Thanks, SP. It's just interesting to observe the double standards in action.

Anti-LDS: You'd have to be really retarded to be a Mormon.

Pro-LDS: That is pretty insulting, to call all LDS people retards.

Moderator: Pro-LDS person, you have received an infraction for insulting an anti-LDS person.

11-26-2013, 09:05 AM
Thanks, SP. It's just interesting to observe the double standards in action.

Anti-LDS: You'd have to be really retarded to be a Mormon.

Pro-LDS: That is pretty insulting, to call all LDS people retards.

Moderator: Pro-LDS person, you have received an infraction for insulting an anti-LDS person.

Reminds me of when ArmoredYak used a phrase that is synonomous with a graphic and vile pronographic act in order to make a jab at Mormonism.

When I posted that it was terribly inappropriate and explained the meaning of what Yak said, I got the infraction for writing dirty things on the forum.

Nothing happened to Yak's post.


11-26-2013, 10:14 AM
Reminds me of when ArmoredYak used a phrase that is synonomous with a graphic and vile pronographic act in order to make a jab at Mormonism.

When I posted that it was terribly inappropriate and explained the meaning of what Yak said, I got the infraction for writing dirty things on the forum.

Nothing happened to Yak's post.


It almost seems as if the mods overlook his vile, disgusting language because they take pity on his mental condition. Or maybe he is Slick's nephew.

James Banta
11-26-2013, 10:16 AM
Reminds me of when ArmoredYak used a phrase that is synonomous with a graphic and vile pronographic act in order to make a jab at Mormonism.

When I posted that it was terribly inappropriate and explained the meaning of what Yak said, I got the infraction for writing dirty things on the forum.

Nothing happened to Yak's post.


And this was posted where? On Walter Martin? NO... This was on CARM.. A forum that even I left because I could see it's misuse. I will tell you that WM is NOT the sounding board to complain about CARM.. This is a form to discuss mormonism.. Try doing that.. This display of your anger about CARM is just why Jill outlawed the discussion of other forums.. You are no misusing the freedom She is allowing here on WM.. Out of curtsy to Jill for providing this forum please just let such discussion drop.. IHS jim

11-26-2013, 10:32 AM
And this was posted where? On Walter Martin? NO... This was on CARM.. A forum that even I left because I could see it's misuse. I will tell you that WM is NOT the sounding board to complain about CARM.. This is a form to discuss mormonism.. Try doing that.. This display of your anger about CARM is just why Jill outlawed the discussion of other forums.. You are no misusing the freedom She is allowing here on WM.. Out of curtsy to Jill for providing this forum please just let such discussion drop.. IHS jim

I don't care what anyone post about me or whatever. The only thing I dislike is persons like Sir. Who never give an answer to what he thinks is embarr***ing to the LDSinc. How weak one's faith must be to shy away when the unconfortablehits them.

11-26-2013, 11:45 AM
And this was posted where? On Walter Martin? NO... This was on CARM.. A forum that even I left because I could see it's misuse. I will tell you that WM is NOT the sounding board to complain about CARM.. This is a form to discuss mormonism.. Try doing that.. This display of your anger about CARM is just why Jill outlawed the discussion of other forums.. You are no misusing the freedom She is allowing here on WM.. Out of curtsy to Jill for providing this forum please just let such discussion drop.. IHS jim

Yeah, you've already said all that before.

We are not "angry" at all. To the contrary we are quite happy!

You read into our emotions as good as you do our doctrines.

Not very good.

11-26-2013, 11:47 AM
I don't care what anyone post about me or whatever. The only thing I dislike is persons like Sir. Who never give an answer to what he thinks is embarr***ing to the LDSinc. How weak one's faith must be to shy away when the unconfortablehits them.

You don't have to like me.

I answered your question a long time ago. You just didn't like the answer.

No surprise.

That's the life of an Antimo

11-26-2013, 11:59 AM
You don't have to like me.

I answered your question a long time ago. You just didn't like the answer.

No surprise.

That's the life of an Antimo

OH shoot, I missed the answer, what a surprise, but in case others out there missed it I'll asks it again. When did Jesus become equal with his God?

11-26-2013, 12:17 PM
OH shoot, I missed the answer, what a surprise, but in case others out there missed it I'll asks it again. When did Jesus become equal with his God?

Sometime before His incarnation, but not until after His resurrection did He have a body like his God in order to be fully like God.

11-26-2013, 12:24 PM
So the Holy Bible lied again?
Oh, thanks for your answer. Now all is well.

11-26-2013, 01:00 PM
So the Holy Bible lied again?
You believe it's lied before?

11-26-2013, 01:05 PM
You believe it's lied before?

I am not smart enough to know which parts of the Holy Bible was translated correctly and which were not, so not to take a chance in being wrong, I believe it all from cover to cover and even the cover.
Now since the Holy Bible says, Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with his God, I take it Sir. doesn't believe that part of the scriptures. However I'll let him speak for himself.

11-26-2013, 01:13 PM
I am not smart enough to know which parts of the Holy Bible was translated correctly and which were not, so not to take a chance in being wrong, I believe it all from cover to cover and even the cover.
Now since the Holy Bible says, Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with his God, I take it Sir. doesn't believe that part of the scriptures. However I'll let him speak for himself.

I thought I made it clear that Jesus was equal to God, but logiclaly he didn't have something God had until after His resurrection, ie. a glorified resurrectd body.

11-26-2013, 01:17 PM
I thought I made it clear that Jesus was equal to God, but logiclaly he didn't have something God had until after His resurrection, ie. a glorified resurrectd body.

Thanks, that made it a little more clear,but doesn't tak make all of Elohim's children equal to him?

11-26-2013, 01:19 PM
Thanks, that made it a little more clear,but doesn't tak make all of Elohim's children equal to him?


11-26-2013, 01:27 PM
Okay, let me try and figure it out. Jesus is a spirit son of Elohim, and you are a spirit son of Elohim, am I correct on this?

11-26-2013, 02:12 PM
Okay, let me try and figure it out. Jesus is a spirit son of Elohim, and you are a spirit son of Elohim, am I correct on this?

I really don't feel like remediating an Antimo on LDS teachings. Go study up on how LDS view Jesus and his Godship. I'm sure you can do some research on your own.

11-26-2013, 02:52 PM
I really don't feel like remediating an Antimo on LDS teachings. Go study up on how LDS view Jesus and his Godship. I'm sure you can do some research on your own.

Oh well, we can only try. Thanks, anyways.

James Banta
11-27-2013, 09:21 AM
Thanks, SP. It's just interesting to observe the double standards in action.

Anti-LDS: You'd have to be really retarded to be a Mormon.

Pro-LDS: That is pretty insulting, to call all LDS people retards.

Moderator: Pro-LDS person, you have received an infraction for insulting an anti-LDS person.

Not even once has there been such an exchange on Walter Martin.. So what is the purpose of bringing it up? IHS jim

James Banta
11-27-2013, 09:23 AM
[Sir;149389]Good grief, Jimmy! You really need some fresh Wasatch air! I don't care if you read OR post. I'm just saying that if you don't find it funny, probably better not to read.

Don't you continually invite people like me to leave the forum? Hahahaha

To you I have have said Post or don't post.. If you want to leave then leave.. To Libby, She who said she was a Christian yet sided with mormonism over the Bible, she I have ask to leave.. You are at least honest in your error, Libby was not..

I know you have a sense of humor. I just read all your stuff about how Jesus is still on the cross and still in Heaven and still in Hell. You are a pretty funny guy.

Yes, you would have found the Lord Jesus to be a real good laugh as He said that He is before Abraham was.. It's really a good Joke to believe Jesus isn't it.. NOT!

Huh? Why did you bring yourself into this as though we are making personal judgments against you? Do you have a victim-complex?

The only things I know about you is that you are known to have a keen sense of humor and you cheated on your wife. So I can comment on that, right?

You can say anything you want about me.. There have been no LDS that have sinned has there? I confess my sin before God, the Church and the world and I own that sin forever. But when an LDS sins nothing is ever said about it again after they have been through the religiosity of the mormon repentance process.. Fine talk about it.. There in one that is called the accuser of the brothern, you are just doing his work.. You like Jesus have to be about the work of your father.. He was of God, you are of your father the devil.. For it is he that accuses the brothern day and night

Rev 12:10
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Congratulations on the appointment you have accepted of your father.. I see that you are doing his work as he would have you do.. Please continue in his paths..

As you can see from me reposting your words I don't run from my sin. I acknowledge it and use it to afirm that I did sin and that I have turned from it confessing it and asking for Jesus to cleanse me of that an all unrighteousness, Have you done that with your murders and adulteries (James 2:10).. IHS jim

James Banta
11-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Aww, c'mon, Jimbo. You could try to come up with something other than "I know you are but what am I", couldn't you?

The logic of men no matter how sound it may sound is foolishness to God.. You call the Logic of God foolishness to your "sound logic" of the flesh.. I will lean on His logic and see your as the foolishness in comparison.. If you didn't see that in my words I am sorry that your understanding is so limited.. IHS jim

11-27-2013, 10:56 AM
The logic of men no matter how sound it may sound is foolishness to God.. You call the Logic of God foolishness to your "sound logic" of the flesh.. I will lean on His logic and see your as the foolishness in comparison.. If you didn't see that in my words I am sorry that your understanding is so limited.. IHS jim

You probably don't recognize the contradiction in your post above.


11-27-2013, 10:56 AM
To you I have have said Post or don't post.. If you want to leave then leave.. To Libby, She who said she was a Christian yet sided with mormonism over the Bible, she I have ask to leave.. You are at least honest in your error, Libby was not..

Yes, you would have found the Lord Jesus to be a real good laugh as He said that He is before Abraham was.. It's really a good Joke to believe Jesus isn't it.. NOT!

You can say anything you want about me.. There have been no LDS that have sinned has there? I confess my sin before God, the Church and the world and I own that sin forever. But when an LDS sins nothing is ever said about it again after they have been through the religiosity of the mormon repentance process.. Fine talk about it.. There in one that is called the accuser of the brothern, you are just doing his work.. You like Jesus have to be about the work of your father.. He was of God, you are of your father the devil.. For it is he that accuses the brothern day and night

Rev 12:10
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Congratulations on the appointment you have accepted of your father.. I see that you are doing his work as he would have you do.. Please continue in his paths..

As you can see from me reposting your words I don't run from my sin. I acknowledge it and use it to afirm that I did sin and that I have turned from it confessing it and asking for Jesus to cleanse me of that an all unrighteousness, Have you done that with your murders and adulteries (James 2:10).. IHS jim

You lost me at "To..."

James Banta
11-27-2013, 11:33 AM
You lost me at "To..."

I can't give you the intellect to allow you to understand English, even if there is a word out of place once in a while.. I have been able to read all of Snow's post and he has also misplaced a few words from time to time.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-27-2013, 11:34 AM
Yeah, you've already said all that before.

We are not "angry" at all. To the contrary we are quite happy!

You read into our emotions as good as you do our doctrines.

Not very good.

Well then, you can't say that I am a changeable person.. I am at least consistent..

If you asked a doctrinal question and asked me to explain the lies of mormonism as to the doctrine I can.. It's just that you have never asked.. If I explain that mormonism teaches three Gods for this world you call me a liar, demanding that I don't tell you what mormonism believes. Yet I got that directly from quoting a sermon given by Joseph Smith.. I will start tell you what you believe again so you can see that I do understand.. IHS jim

11-27-2013, 11:39 AM
I can't give you the intellect to allow you to understand English, even if there is a word out of place once in a while.. I have been able to read all of Snow's post and he has also misplaced a few words from time to time.. IHS jim

I understand English just fine. Probably even better than you. It's not my intellect that lost me in your post, it was sudden sleep that your posts induce in its readers.

11-27-2013, 11:41 AM
Well then, you can't say that I am a changeable person.. IHS jim

So you are still an adulterer?

I thought you had changed?


11-27-2013, 11:45 AM
So you are still an adulterer?

I thought you had changed?

Don't be nasty!

11-27-2013, 12:23 PM
Don't be nasty!



James Banta
11-27-2013, 03:03 PM
So you are still an adulterer?

I thought you had changed?


Just as much as you are.. James 2:10.. Or are you still a pick and chooser on what part of the Bible you will believe and what parts you won't? Right there in the same book, the same chapter. in the same context you have decided that it is true that faith without works is dead, but that it is nor true that whosoever keeps the whole law and only offends in one point is guilty of all.. There is a word for such people as would do that it's hypocrite..

You do understand that a woman that had be caught in the very act of adultery was taken before the Lord and He forgave her completely.. He said that He wouldn't accuse her.. Only one kind of person would, that is a servant of the accuser of the brothern.. That seem to be the office you are trying to fill.. Is that what you want to be a servant of Satan?

I am following Jesus. What I say I say. My word is dependable.. Your biggest complaint about me is that I come here and say the same things.. I do because there is only one Way to the Father, One stone on which the Church was built. One God in whom we move and have our being.. One Lord who became sin for me that I can be the righteousness of God in Him.. You want to live in the past because only there can you find something in me to judge.. Go ahead shout it from the mountain tops.. The vastness of my guilt only prove the depth of His grace..

And where do all those words come from.. FROM HIS WORD.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-27-2013, 03:13 PM
Don't be nasty!

Let him rage on. He is only proving to be a servant of Satan as he takes that which has been dealt with in the blood of Jesus and reapplies it to meet his personal need to find a reason he can accept for why people leave mormonism. He screams about my guilt while he ignores his own.. The Holy Spirit through the Apostle James wasn't kidding when He taught us that if we are guilty of one point of the Law we are guilty of all.. And God's word isn't kidding when He teaches us that we have ALL sinned.. All of us are guilty of all, we have no excuse. All we can do is either trust Jesus to give us His righteousness or prepare to receive the His wrath.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-27-2013, 03:24 PM
I understand English just fine. Probably even better than you. It's not my intellect that lost me in your post, it was sudden sleep that your posts induce in its readers.

Oh you are one of those that don't listen in Sacrament Meeting you are a sleeper.. You can't deal with being taught anything from the Bible.. Understand one thing.. The word of God is a treasure to the believer and foolishness to those that are perishing.. Since my posts are filled with scriptural reference you must be one who is perishing.. Sorry to hear that.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-27-2013, 03:34 PM
You probably don't recognize the contradiction in your post above.


The old quote of the thespian come to mind.. Laugh clown laugh..

What does God's word teach on this subject?

1 Cor 1:20-121
Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

It's almost a waste of times showing you these things you don't believe in the Bible and even doubt that the Bible is His word at all.. In that there is foolishness.. Laugh clown laugh.. IHS jim

11-27-2013, 04:03 PM
You know, I am totally offended by the tone of your post!! As you well know, I am James' wife and when you insult him, you insult me and our family!! You are playing the part of Satan with your comment for he is the one who points fingers. Sir, are you going to sit there and actually say you are sinless? Course I've forgotten, to Mormons there are degrees of sinning isn't there, just as there is 3 degrees of heaven? Did you know God doesn't accept ANY kind of sin? He doesn't care whether you told a little, tiny white lie or you stole from your neighbor or even committed murder, ALL is sin in God's eyes!! ALL! Do you understand what the word, ALL means? Is a gl*** that is filled to the brim, is that not ALL it can contain? If you gave your ALL to your Church, did you really? I guess your definition is different then mine as is your definition for many verses within God's Word. Either you accept ALL God's Word or your don't. God never said, "Pick ye what I have said, only when you agree with it." Wake up!!

11-27-2013, 04:05 PM
The old quote of the thespian come to mind.. Laugh clown laugh..

What does God's word teach on this subject?

1 Cor 1:20-121
Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

It's almost a waste of times showing you these things you don't believe in the Bible and even doubt that the Bible is His word at all.. In that there is foolishness.. Laugh clown laugh.. IHS jim

The only foolishness is that you really believe what you wrote, which just proves to everyone here how out of touch with Mormonism you are. So blinded by your hate for it that you make false accusations and truly believe they are not false at all.

11-27-2013, 04:10 PM
You know, I am totally offended by the tone of your post!! As you well know, I am James' wife and when you insult him, you insult me and our family!! You are playing the part of Satan with your comment for he is the one who points fingers. Sir, are you going to sit there and actually say you are sinless? Course I've forgotten, to Mormons there are degrees of sinning isn't there, just as there is 3 degrees of heaven? Did you know God doesn't accept ANY kind of sin? He doesn't care whether you told a little, tiny white lie or you stole from your neighbor or even committed murder, ALL is sin in God's eyes!! ALL! Do you understand what the word, ALL means? Is a gl*** that is filled to the brim, is that not ALL it can contain? If you gave your ALL to your Church, did you really? I guess your definition is different then mine as is your definition for many verses within God's Word. Either you accept ALL God's Word or your don't. God never said, "Pick ye what I have said, only when you agree with it." Wake up!!

Welcome back. I see James has asked you to return to posting! (I asked about you the other day and he said you didn't feel the call to post).

Anyway. No, I sin.

As to your rant, I see why you were so forgiving of James when he committed adultry. Like James said, even telling your wife she looks good in an outfit if you really think she doesn't is the same as sleeping with another woman behind your wife's back.

Even we mere mortals can see the s t u p i d i t y of such logic, and yet you want us to believe that is how God really works. I think it makes committing the more serious sins easier since you can justify that going all the way is no worse than thinking it or raping 1000 women a day is the same as telling a fat person that they look skinny.


James Banta
11-27-2013, 04:10 PM
Oh well, we can only try. Thanks, anyways.

In other words sir again breaks the commandment of God in His word to study the scripture and be prepared to give an answer for the hope within you to anyone, ANYONE, who asks for the hope within you.. Sir only will share with you if you are willing to go do all the research and study to find out for yourself.. In short he believers, "I don't have to do anything at all, and if anyone asks me a question I can tell them to go away leave me alone, and to look it up themselves.." This is the apex of mormonism.. The I don't care about you at all and even though I go on a site where I know my religion will be challenged I don't have to defend it.. And he says that he is a TBM.. yeah right.. IHS jim

11-27-2013, 07:11 PM
In other words sir again breaks the commandment of God in His word to study the scripture and be prepared to give an answer for the hop within you to anyone, ANYONE, who asks for the hope within you.. Sir only will share with you if you are willing to go do all the research and study to find out for yourself.. In short he believers, "I don't have to do anything at all, and if anyone asks me a question I can tell them to go away leave me alone, and to look it up themselves.." This is the apex of mormonism.. The I don't care about you at all and even though I go on a site where I know my religion will be challenged I don't have to defend it.. And he says that he is a TBM.. yeah right.. IHS jim

Thanks for once again showing that your interpretation of scripture is screwed up.

You seem to believe that God has commanded us to answer every question about our faith that is put to us, regardless of who it is and what their motives are. That is silly.

I prefer to live by the teaching of "Don't cast your pearls before swine." People asking you about your beliefs just so they can attack them and claim they know your beliefs better than you are not the kind of questions or people God expects us to entertain.

11-27-2013, 10:08 PM
Sir, you forget that it was your founder and Prophet who condemned every other religion claiming they were ALL false. Now when the gauntlet has been dropped, someone must pick it up. James has done that over and over again. It is you who refuses to see the truth, refuses to open their eyes and truly see what God has spoken; but instead would rather be lead around by the nose accepting the words of a man who we know was full of sin!! Joseph Smith was a very disturbed man, it doesn't take a PhD in psychology to read his history and see he had issues with paranoia and delusions of grandeur. The beauty of God's gospel is there if you were willing to see it and embrace it. My heart's desire is for all Mormons to come to Christ and be saved, believing in the true Christ of the Bible of course.

11-27-2013, 10:23 PM
Please!!! James did NOT ask me to come back and post!!! Please get that through your thick skull, ok?? Course since I am only a woman, and I know you don't have a lot of respect for my gender, you won't really read this with a sincere heart. You still don't understand about sin do you? SIN is SIN!! There are no sins greater than another. In God's eyes, anything we do that is outside of righteousness is SIN!! If you get angry with someone while driving and curse at them, or you get angry at a co-worker and cuss under your breath, these are all sins!! God sees everything you do and knows everything you think! You're a man, do you not see a sexy woman on a TV ad or in a movie and lust after her? That is SIN! Christ in speaking to the crowd with his Sermon on the Mount said, Matt. 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." This is what God says, this isn't coming from me. So, even our thoughts are sin if they are the wrong thoughts. You can accept it if you want but one needs to have a true understanding of who God is and what he accepts and expects from us.

11-27-2013, 11:53 PM
[SIZE=3] Sir,
Please!!! James did NOT ask me to come back and post!!! Please get that through your thick skull, ok??

I just find it weird that I asked Jim 2 days ago how you were doing and why you don't come here and he said you don't post because you don't feel the call from God to post here. Then today, here you are!!! And you haven't posted here since March of 2012.

Maybe it's a coincidence. I'm fine with that.

Course since I am only a woman, and I know you don't have a lot of respect for my gender, you won't really read this with a sincere heart.

I see you haven't lost the self-deprecation, victimhood mentality, and silly false accusations.

You still don't understand about sin do you? SIN is SIN!!

I understand it quite a bit.

There are no sins greater than another. In God's eyes, anything we do that is outside of righteousness is SIN!!

So if you deny the Holy Ghost, that really isn't any worse than telling Jim he looks nice in his new jeans when you really think he doesn't.

If you get angry with someone while driving and curse at them, or you get angry at a co-worker and cuss under your breath, these are all sins!! God sees everything you do and knows everything you think! You're a man, do you not see a sexy woman on a TV ad or in a movie and lust after her? That is SIN!

I understand what sin is. I think the degree isn't necessarily in the sin but the consequence of the sin.

I'm happy you forgave Jim. I think it would take a lot to do that.

I just find you and Jim's valiant attempt at equating all sin as equal to be silly when taken to the logical conclusions. Such a reasoning will easily lead to people committing more grievous sins since they have the mindset that they are all equal.

Christ in speaking to the crowd with his Sermon on the Mount said, Matt. 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." This is what God says, this isn't coming from me. So, even our thoughts are sin if they are the wrong thoughts. You can accept it if you want but one needs to have a true understanding of who God is and what he accepts and expects from us.

However, the consequences of committing adultery in your heart are not as severe as committing it in reality, correct?

11-27-2013, 11:57 PM
Sir, you forget that it was your founder and Prophet who condemned every other religion claiming they were ALL false. Now when the gauntlet has been dropped, someone must pick it up. James has done that over and over again. It is you who refuses to see the truth, refuses to open their eyes and truly see what God has spoken; but instead would rather be lead around by the nose accepting the words of a man who we know was full of sin!! Joseph Smith was a very disturbed man, it doesn't take a PhD in psychology to read his history and see he had issues with paranoia and delusions of grandeur. The beauty of God's gospel is there if you were willing to see it and embrace it. My heart's desire is for all Mormons to come to Christ and be saved, believing in the true Christ of the Bible of course.

Oh, I know the Anti-mo line of reasoning.

Why must someone pick up the gauntlet?

Why do you give Joseph Smith so much power by claiming that you have to fight against him 180 years later?

I think you know the answer. Because he is a threat and because of his teachings and bringing forth the restoration of the gospel, you and others need to fight against it because it is truth and you have been blinded by the craftiness of men and the power of satan. Otherwise, Joseph Smith is just an insignificant blip in history.

James Banta
11-28-2013, 09:24 AM
Oh, I know the Anti-mo line of reasoning.

Why must someone pick up the gauntlet?

Why do you give Joseph Smith so much power by claiming that you have to fight against him 180 years later?

I think you know the answer. Because he is a threat and because of his teachings and bringing forth the restoration of the gospel, you and others need to fight against it because it is truth and you have been blinded by the craftiness of men and the power of satan. Otherwise, Joseph Smith is just an insignificant blip in history.

We fight against him for his perversions of the truth. While Jesus taught us that God in spirit, Smith taught that He had a body of flesh and bone as tangible as man's.. The Bible plainly tells us that God has been God from everlasting and will remain the only true and living God to everlasting. Smith wanted to explain to us how God became God. The Bible teaches that there is one God, Smith claimed that there are three Gods. While the Bible teaches that Jesus created ALL things, ALL means even the elements, Smith caught that God created nothing but formed the earth from self existent elements.. Smith taught that we are saved by God's grace, but only after all we can do.. God's word teaches is that we are saved by His grace through faith and not of works. Sir this is not a restoration it is a perversion.. I come here to defend the truth once given to the saints.. You come here with Smith same old lies. if it were for those lies I wouldn't be here trying to tell you the how you have been deceived.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-28-2013, 09:58 AM
[Sir;149513]I just find it weird that I asked Jim 2 days ago how you were doing and why you don't come here and he said you don't post because you don't feel the call from God to post here. Then today, here you are!!! And you haven't posted here since March of 2012.

Maybe it's a coincidence. I'm fine with that.

What is this? You think I don't talk to my wife about the really strange posts you come up with? I guess she finally had enough of your hateful posts and felt the need to respond.. That was her choice.. I don't dictate her actions. She is a strong willed woman so after she get a plan of action in her mind I couldn't be swayed her even if I wanted to try..

I see you haven't lost the self-deprecation, victimhood mentality, and silly false accusations.

I guess she was right you have no respect for her.. But I believe that is because she is a Christian and not LDS.. I really don't believe you even think of her as a woman..

I understand it quite a bit.

Seems you believe that some sin is so terrible that it is beyond God's power to forgive.. That is a poor understanding of both sin and God's power. Sin is rebellion against God. All sin is rebellion. In order to EARN salvation a person must obey one and only one commandment. He must be perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect. Anything less than that is sin and will condemn a person to the Lake of Fire.. That is how serious sin is.. That is why His word is given that whosoever keeps the whole law but offends only in one point is guilty of all. A doctrine explain so simply and straight forward in James 2:10 and yet so completely denied by you and your fellows.. How could you deny the scripture this way? Only because mormonism teaches an anti biblical doctrine concerning sin..

So if you deny the Holy Ghost, that really isn't any worse than telling Jim he looks nice in his new jeans when you really think he doesn't.

Since you don't understand that the denial of the Holy Ghost is the rejection of His prompting to come to the Jesus and receive life.. That was the sin of Judas and nearly the sin of Peter.. Both denied the Lord but Peter turned from it, Judas died in his denial.. That is the difference between a son of perdition and a child of God..

I understand what sin is. I think the degree isn't necessarily in the sin but the consequence of the sin.

The consequences of sin is the same no matter how much you wish to divide it into levels.. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin (The sin is not specified it therefore is all sin) is death.. A lie to spare someone's feeling of the premeditated murder of another. Sin will be the cause of eternal death.. Taking your sin to the grave is the unpardonable sin..

I'm happy you forgave Jim. I think it would take a lot to do that.

It was hard for both of us.. But to God nothing is impossible.

I just find you and Jim's valiant attempt at equating all sin as equal to be silly when taken to the logical conclusions. Such a reasoning will easily lead to people committing more grievous sins since they have the mindset that they are all equal.

However, the consequences of committing adultery in your heart are not as severe as committing it in reality, correct?

God's word is not silly.. Calling it such is sin in it's self. I have shown you where it is taught that all sin is plain old sin.. again you are looking at sin from man's perspective, with our different levels od punishment for different levels of crime. That is the way that seems right to a man. You don't seem willing to believe God. He tells us how He sees sin, as rebellion.. Why would He teaches us that even breaking one point of His Law makes us guilty of all if it were all the same in His eyes? All you do is making God like us in the way He deals with sin is commit idolatry AGAIN! IHS jim

11-28-2013, 12:16 PM
What is this? You think I don't talk to my wife about the really strange posts you come up with? I guess she finally had enough of your hateful posts and felt the need to respond.. That was her choice.. I don't dictate her actions. She is a strong willed woman so after she get a plan of action in her mind I couldn't be swayed her even if I wanted to try..

That was my point. Your wife didn't all of a sudden "feel the call" to come here (as you suggested she didn't feel the call to post here anymore). She came here to post because you convinced her to by telling of what's going on. That's all I'm saying. It wasn't "God" calling her to post, it was her own emotions to the things you had told her. And I'm fine with that.

I guess she was right you have no respect for her.. But I believe that is because she is a Christian and not LDS..

I think you and your wife take things that happen here waaaaayyyyyyyy too personally. And because of that you feel attacked and persecuted and unrespected. You shouldn't waste your days away with such negativity, especially since you seem to be believing things that are not even true.

I really don't believe you even think of her as a woman..

:confused: Um....I don't really know what to say to that, except see above.

James Banta
11-28-2013, 04:38 PM
[Sir;149523]That was my point. Your wife didn't all of a sudden "feel the call" to come here (as you suggested she didn't feel the call to post here anymore). She came here to post because you convinced her to by telling of what's going on. That's all I'm saying. It wasn't "God" calling her to post, it was her own emotions to the things you had told her. And I'm fine with that.

I didn't ask her to post she decided that on her own.. Whether that decision had anything to do with a call to do so or not is up to her to say.. You have no more right to say it was or wasn't a call from from than I have to question your testimony.. It's a very person thing, one you can't prove or disprove.. It would be better to let that point go..

I think you and your wife take things that happen here waaaaayyyyyyyy too personally. And because of that you feel attacked and persecuted and unrespected. You shouldn't waste your days away with such negativity, especially since you seem to be believing things that are not even true.

Then she is right you haven't any respect because she is a woman. I had no idea that you were a sexist.. IHS jim

11-28-2013, 04:45 PM
Do you ever get what others tell you? Do you even listen? I never said I came here because I felt a call by God to do that. I came as I said in a previous post, to defend my husband from your attacks on his character. And, for your information, what happened 20 years ago is water under the bridge. It is only mean spirited, hateful people who would throw such a thing in someone's face. It shouldn't matter to you what went on within our family but you continue to force yourself into it. WHY? So you can prove to everyone on here how hateful you are and what a disappointment you are to your faith? James tells everyone here what is in God's Word. He quotes directly from it but it is you and your follow Mormons who refuse to see the truth. I am sorry for all of you that you want to have faith in a false god, and Jesus Christ and follow a false prophet. Again, my prayers remain with all of you that you can have the scales removed from off your eyes, that you will see what God wants for your life. As long as you continue with the hateful speech about something that happened years ago, I will continue to come here. Maybe in the process, God will use me to speak something that will ring true for you.

11-28-2013, 04:48 PM
My reason's for not coming here for so long were personal....I had to stop because it was causing issues with my blood pressure. Now you know the truth. Does that make you feel better? I do take things personally, don't you, or is this all a game to you? If so, then that is cruel and you play the fool.

11-28-2013, 05:24 PM
My reason's for not coming here for so long were personal....I had to stop because it was causing issues with my blood pressure. Now you know the truth. Does that make you feel better? I do take things personally, don't you, or is this all a game to you? If so, then that is cruel and you play the fool.

No, I don't take things personally. I don't allow the foolish and inane posts from anti-Mormons to affect me personally. I am very secure in my beliefs and I understand that those who attack the church do so out of ignorance, or anger, or simply from a demonic spirit. I think those that take things said here personally do so because they are being struck with the truth and when that truth conflicts with their beliefs they get upset. That doesn't make it a game, but I do enjoy seeing what new things anti-LDS come up with.

I hope you don't let your return to posting here affect your health. :)

James Banta
11-28-2013, 06:39 PM
No, I don't take things personally. I don't allow the foolish and inane posts from anti-Mormons to affect me personally. I am very secure in my beliefs and I understand that those who attack the church do so out of ignorance, or anger, or simply from a demonic spirit. I think those that take things said here personally do so because they are being struck with the truth and when that truth conflicts with their beliefs they get upset. That doesn't make it a game, but I do enjoy seeing what new things anti-LDS come up with.

I hope you don't let your return to posting here affect your health. :)

I have seen LSD call posting here a game.. They have taking a lot of enjoyment putting their unsupportable false teaching like LDS priesthood and the false teachings that Jesus and for that matter the Father weren't always God out there.. Now you say you are very secure in our beliefs, in beliefs that can only be supported in the words of a man while he insisted God was giving them to Him.. But in doing that he contradicted what God had first taught us.. That He has eternally been God.. That everlasting life is given as a result if having faith in Jesus. That God is Spirit and that a spirit doesn't have a body of flesh and bone.. If you are secure in error you will be committing that sin we have discussed before.. You haven't confessed to the true God of heaven and earth..

Sometimes a LDS gets upset here and lashes out.. You must have seen it.. Does that mean they are speaking out of anger, or simply from a demonic spirit. I will agree with you that they speak i g n o r a n c e.. That is mostly because they are just unstudied not because they are incapable of learning.. Mostly the posters here are honest they really believe what they try to teach. I know you do but you will not deal with any of the problems I and the other Christian posters have opened to you.. We give you the references. You don't have to believe that Smith lied about being a polygamist we have shown you in the History of the church where it denied that sin.. We have shown you where he taught that we have three Gods. You just won't allow your own books to teach you who is the liar here and who is truthful.. Don't worry about my wife she in mine to care for not yours..

Even if you had credentials to diagnose the reason why people have HBP you have NOT examined my wife for that issue.. You have NOT been made aware of her family medical history. Concern for others is also a reason why HBP can become more acute.. While I was in the Hospital after almost being killed by an inattentive diver on I15 her HPB was nearing fatal zones.. You missed a huge reason why HBP can become a problem.. Calling her I G N O R A N T, angry, or demonic is not the first thing a believer in Jesus should consider. This was a total personal attack on her through her medical condition.. Shame on you.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-28-2013, 06:45 PM
The only foolishness is that you really believe what you wrote, which just proves to everyone here how out of touch with Mormonism you are. So blinded by your hate for it that you make false accusations and truly believe they are not false at all.

Yes I really believe what the Bible teaches. I really believe that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.. I was taught as a young TBM that the LDS also believe that but apparently LDS like you deny that, or you deny that the Bible addresses that issue.. The foolishness of doubting God through His word is very clear in your comments.. IHS jim

11-28-2013, 07:19 PM
Don't worry about my wife she in mine to care for not yours..

I was simply responding to her post, Jim. If you don't like me telling your wife to be careful while posting here since she stated her previous posting here caused her health issues, so be it. Kind of weird, but okay.

Even if you had credentials to diagnose the reason why people have HBP you have NOT examined my wife for that issue.. You have NOT been made aware of her family medical history. Concern for others is also a reason why HBP can become more acute.. While I was in the Hospital after almost being killed by an inattentive diver on I15 her HPB was nearing fatal zones.. You missed a huge reason why HBP can become a problem.. Calling her I G N O R A N T, angry, or demonic is not the first thing a believer in Jesus should consider. This was a total personal attack on her through her medical condition.. Shame on you.. IHS jim

Wow, James. See what I mean about taking everything personally? My comments were general and here you are ranting about personally attacking your wife. You guys are definitely a good match! You take people's comments and personalize them and get upset. Go chill out, man.

11-28-2013, 10:22 PM
You have a warped sense of what your comments contain. You make attacks about me being, uneducated, angry and demon possessed and don't expect me to not take it seriously? You are a very sick individual!! YOUR COMMENT WAS SLANDEROUS!! IF I KNEW WHERE YOU LIVED, I'D SUE YOU! I'd also get with your Bishop and inform him of your lack of kindness towards a non-member and your behavior unbecoming of a Latter Day Saint! Maybe you'd get disfellowshipped, which would serve you right!
How would you like it if James had been the one to say such things about your wife? Just how can you sit there and actually say what you said to me was, "a general comment"??? Yeah, try again since you are now trying to soft soap your very rude and callous post!! A shame that Jill doesn't monitor the site like she once did, for I'd make sure you were banned permanently!!

11-28-2013, 10:39 PM
You can't see the forest for the trees. James doesn't hate you or any Mormon. He hates the doctrine which continues to lead people away from the one true God and Jesus Christ. Can you see the difference? We believe that Mormonism has changed since we were raised in it and we've been out of Mormonism for 33 years. The temple ceremony is not the same one we received when we were married. It was what finally clinched my idea about the faith I was raised in, it was horrible! It was the most ugly thing I ever have experienced and this was my wedding? How anyone could go through those disgusting rituals and find anything pleasing about them must need their heads examined. I was angry with my parents since they agreed with everything that went on. It was when the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me 3 times, "get up, leave!" I almost did but because James and I and my parents had traveled almost 1,000 miles so we could get married, I didn't have the heart to disappoint them. I never shared my disillusionment about the temple since I had vowed to not talk about it, so for many years I kept all my doubts inside. Jesus himself, ""I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret." If the temple was so important, why then didn't Jesus teach on the subject, especially in light of his own words within this verse found in, John 18:20? Remember, he never said anything in secret.

11-28-2013, 10:48 PM
Then I say you are a liar!! Everyone takes things personally or they are brain dead!! Why do you come here? Do you want to convert non-members? What is your goal here? Is it just to argue with people? Why not have a good ole argument with the wife? Get things off your chest! I find your comment here, rude, lacking in judgment and a mirade of other things I can't say. There is NO TRUTH in you or any Mormon. You are all lost, and what I call, The Walking Dead, dead in their trep***es and sins, spiritually dead!! You fool yourself daily believing in falsehoods. I am so sorry and can only pray for you. Coming here in the past and not being able to say what I wanted was frustrating which in turn raised my BP. I've had a problem with it since I was 35 and this is a hereditary thing so don't sit there and ***ume anything for that makes an *** out of U and Me. Oh, and why would you care about my health, what a line of BS!

11-29-2013, 01:14 AM
You have a warped sense of what your comments contain. You make attacks about me being, uneducated, angry and demon possessed and don't expect me to not take it seriously? You are a very sick individual!! YOUR COMMENT WAS SLANDEROUS!! IF I KNEW WHERE YOU LIVED, I'D SUE YOU! I'd also get with your Bishop and inform him of your lack of kindness towards a non-member and your behavior unbecoming of a Latter Day Saint! Maybe you'd get disfellowshipped, which would serve you right!
How would you like it if James had been the one to say such things about your wife? Just how can you sit there and actually say what you said to me was, "a general comment"??? Yeah, try again since you are now trying to soft soap your very rude and callous post!! A shame that Jill doesn't monitor the site like she once did, for I'd make sure you were banned permanently!!


That was......pretty angry.

And ironic!


Welcome back! Although I suspect if your blood pressure went up from being here and you took a year and a half off, coming back doesn't seem like a good idea at this point......obviously.

11-29-2013, 01:19 AM
Then I say you are a liar!! Everyone takes things personally or they are brain dead!! Why do you come here? Do you want to convert non-members? What is your goal here? Is it just to argue with people? Why not have a good ole argument with the wife? Get things off your chest! I find your comment here, rude, lacking in judgment and a mirade of other things I can't say. There is NO TRUTH in you or any Mormon. You are all lost, and what I call, The Walking Dead, dead in their trep***es and sins, spiritually dead!! You fool yourself daily believing in falsehoods. I am so sorry and can only pray for you. Coming here in the past and not being able to say what I wanted was frustrating which in turn raised my BP. I've had a problem with it since I was 35 and this is a hereditary thing so don't sit there and ***ume anything for that makes an *** out of U and Me. Oh, and why would you care about my health, what a line of BS!

Yeah.....you're definitely not angry.....or irrational....:rolleyes:

Kind of sad, actually.

11-29-2013, 02:21 AM
You have a warped sense of what your comments contain. You make attacks about me being, uneducated, angry and demon possessed and don't expect me to not take it seriously? You are a very sick individual!! YOUR COMMENT WAS SLANDEROUS!! IF I KNEW WHERE YOU LIVED, I'D SUE YOU! I'd also get with your Bishop and inform him of your lack of kindness towards a non-member and your behavior unbecoming of a Latter Day Saint! Maybe you'd get disfellowshipped, which would serve you right!
How would you like it if James had been the one to say such things about your wife? Just how can you sit there and actually say what you said to me was, "a general comment"??? Yeah, try again since you are now trying to soft soap your very rude and callous post!! A shame that Jill doesn't monitor the site like she once did, for I'd make sure you were banned permanently!!

To answer this question: Well, because I wrote "I am very secure in my beliefs and I understand that those who attack the church do so out of ignorance, or anger, or simply from a demonic spirit." Notice I didn't say "neverending" specifically? I refer to anybody that attacks the church. But you did exactly the thing I spoke about, took it personally, became angry, and went off on your typical tirades of old.

So sue me. :p

11-29-2013, 02:28 AM
Then I say you are a liar!! .....There is NO TRUTH in you or any Mormon. You are all lost, and what I call, The Walking Dead, dead in their trep***es and sins, spiritually dead!!.....don't sit there and ***ume anything for that makes an *** out of U and Me. Oh, and why would you care about my health, what a line of BS!


I'd also get with your Bishop and inform him of your lack of kindness towards a non-member and your behavior unbecoming of a Latter Day Saint!

Here's my questions: Is your lack of kindness a carry-over from when you were a Mormon 33 years ago? Or is this lack of kindness part of what we can expect to be like if we embrace your type of "Christianity"?

11-29-2013, 07:09 AM
I just wanted to say that I liked the font that Neverending used in Post #60. It made it easy to read, and was a nice break from the default font.

11-29-2013, 07:23 AM
And now back to the original topic of the thread: We have breaking news--another fascinating example of Cram's stellar, fair moderating:
Dear NRA-Jeff,

You have received an infraction at Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums | Christian Chat.

Reason: Rule 12: Insulted Other Member(s). Attacking users. Rule 25: Freedom of Speech: Freedom of speech here comes with the responsibility to speak decently within the parameters of the rules.By registering you are agreeing not to be vulgar, divisive,insulting,profane, etc. (read all the rules). It helps to try and treat others as you want to be treated. Send alerts, do not attempt to moderate posters (Luke 6:31)
Rule 12: Insulted Other Member(s). Attacking users.

This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.


This is what happened: They had suspended a pro-LDS poster. Coincidentally, they also suspended BrianH about the same time (Brian getting suspended is a miracle, I know, right?)

Anyway, Andy, aka SeerOne, aka 'the holy Christian' posted:

Original Post:
I see someone greatly needs our prayers because he has been suspended again,
so I pray the LORD uses this time to soften his heart and open his eyes to see the falsehood of Mormonism and the Truth of Jesus, the Christ.....Amen

All I did was quote Andy's post, and right after he said

"I see someone greatly needs our prayers because he has been suspended again," I said:

Yeah, I, too, noticed that Brian got suspended again.

That was all. Somehow, in the 'fevered imagination' of the moderator, that was an attack or insult on Andy??

Weird. It would be interesting to psycho****yze the moderators and figure out what reasoning they use to determine what is and isn't an attack.

11-29-2013, 08:44 AM
I just wanted to say that I liked the font that Neverending used in Post #60. It made it easy to read, and was a nice break from the default font.

Thank you for your kind comment. Hey, I'm not getting any younger so it helps me too :) Have a good day and hope you and your family enjoyed a special Thanksgiving.

11-29-2013, 09:12 AM
I think there should be one thing always to remember. We should not take anything here personal, I don't and never will.

James Banta
11-29-2013, 09:23 AM
I was simply responding to her post, Jim. If you don't like me telling your wife to be careful while posting here since she stated her previous posting here caused her health issues, so be it. Kind of weird, but okay.

Wow, James. See what I mean about taking everything personally? My comments were general and here you are ranting about personally attacking your wife. You guys are definitely a good match! You take people's comments and personalize them and get upset. Go chill out, man.

Your comments were pointed right at my wife for allowing her BP to be effected by outside stimuli.. It was not a general statement at all and saying so is skirting the truth.. Maybe you don't see your place as your wife's protector, I do.. At this time I feel sorry for your wife.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-29-2013, 09:27 AM
To answer this question: Well, because I wrote "I am very secure in my beliefs and I understand that those who attack the church do so out of ignorance, or anger, or simply from a demonic spirit." Notice I didn't say "neverending" specifically? I refer to anybody that attacks the church. But you did exactly the thing I spoke about, took it personally, became angry, and went off on your typical tirades of old.

So sue me. :p

I understand that you say this now but at the time your comments were very personal..

One thing I am glad to see it that instead of pointing at you or any other LDS here our comments are pointed at mormonism and not mormons.. IHS jim

11-29-2013, 10:18 AM
Your comments were pointed right at my wife for allowing her BP to be effected by outside stimuli.. It was not a general statement at all and saying so is skirting the truth.. Maybe you don't see your place as your wife's protector, I do.. At this time I feel sorry for your wife.. IHS jim

That's silly. Your wife said posting here didn't help her BP. I responded to that.

You don't need to feel sorry for my wife. She is happy, protected, secure, and doesn't have to worry about her husband running off with another woman.

11-29-2013, 10:20 AM
I understand that you say this now but at the time your comments were very personal..

One thing I am glad to see it that instead of pointing at you or any other LDS here our comments are pointed at mormonism and not mormons.. IHS jim

So when your wife said last night I was a liar and that there is no truth found in any Mormon, that was pointed at Mormonism, not Mormons, right?

11-29-2013, 10:24 AM
I think there should be one thing always to remember. We should not take anything here personal, I don't and never will.

I agree.

Good advice for a happier and healthier life.


James Banta
11-29-2013, 10:51 AM
I agree.

Good advice for a happier and healthier life.


And here both of you Christian and mormon agrees that all people are the same and no one has a different temperament. Not everyone can set personal attacks aside.. Some people carry their hearts closer to the surface and personal attacks hurt them especially when someone making them knows nothing about their life or struggles.. I see a lack of comp***ion here that I didn't expect from you RFH.. I will defend my wife against all comers. IHS jim

11-29-2013, 10:56 AM
And here both of you Christian and mormon agrees that all people are the same and no one has a different temperament. Not everyone can set personal attacks aside.. Some people carry their hearts closer to the surface and personal attacks hurt them especially when someone making them knows nothing about their life or struggles.. I see a lack of comp***ion here that I didn't expect from you RFH.. I will defend my wife against all comers. IHS jim

I thought that was comp***ion advice, but I can't win them all. I just wish my temperament was better when it came to my driving.

James Banta
11-29-2013, 10:56 AM
That's silly. Your wife said posting here didn't help her BP. I responded to that.

You don't need to feel sorry for my wife. She is happy, protected, secure, and doesn't have to worry about her husband running off with another woman.

Stop posting to things you know nothing about.. Leave her out of your attacks.. Go back to attacking my morality. I can take it though you can't defend you right to make such attacks.. Leave those that have physical problems out of your sites.. Go back to accusing those Jesus dies to cleanse that suits you much better siding with the accuser of the brethren.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-29-2013, 10:59 AM
Yeah.....you're definitely not angry.....or irrational....:rolleyes:

Kind of sad, actually.

Just stop attacking my wife.. She has done nothing to you.. You are now interfering in my marriage and I demand that you not mix in.. Just let it go.. I have told My wife the same thing so don't feel picked on.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-29-2013, 11:02 AM

Here's my questions: Is your lack of kindness a carry-over from when you were a Mormon 33 years ago? Or is this lack of kindness part of what we can expect to be like if we embrace your type of "Christianity"?

Would you believe me if I told you that she is her father's daughter who was very, very, mormon.. You most likely set that aside.. I guess there are no solid LDS people that allow their tempers to rule their actions? No that would never happen.. Yeah right.. IHS jim

11-29-2013, 11:04 AM
And here both of you Christian and mormon agrees that all people are the same and no one has a different temperament. Not everyone can set personal attacks aside.. Some people carry their hearts closer to the surface and personal attacks hurt them especially when someone making them knows nothing about their life or struggles.. I see a lack of comp***ion here that I didn't expect from you RFH.. I will defend my wife against all comers. IHS jim

The only thing that has been said about your wife and her blood pressure is that if it gets high because of things she reads here, probably better to not read things here.

Good advice I think.

The only reason we know about your wife's blood pressure is because she brought it up and told us about it.

You and your wife see that as personally attacking and lacking comp***ion.

I don't think anyone else does because it doesn't make sense to see it that way.

11-29-2013, 11:07 AM
Just stop attacking my wife.. She has done nothing to you.. You are now interfering in my marriage and I demand that you not mix in.. Just let it go.. I have told My wife the same thing so don't feel picked on.. IHS jim

Hey Jimmy,

As valiant and noble as you are trying to be, you have lost sight of the fact it is actually your wife who is doing the personal attacking going on verbal rampages. I am simply responding to that.

11-29-2013, 11:11 AM
Stop posting to things you know nothing about.. Leave her out of your attacks.. IHS jim

I posted about her blood pressure. I know about it because SHE BROUGHT IT UP.

I post about your adultery. I know about it because YOU BROUGHT IT UP.

If you guys find the mention of those things as personal attacks, maybe you shouldn't bring them up for discussion. But to get mad when I respond to those things is pretty silly.

11-29-2013, 11:57 AM
I will say it again, you are a liar if nothing said here bothers you. Evidently it does or you wouldn't have made this comment. So, how about getting back to why we're here, to compare Mormonism with Christianity, not tearing people down personally, where does that get anyone?
As I said yesterday, I do think there have been some doctrinal changes made to Mormonism since I left it. The temple ceremony for one where the blood oaths were removed. Sir, why was that? And why wasn't there a revelation announced that changes were to be made. From what I know, the ceremony was never to be changed or altered. "Ordinances insti tuted in the heavens before the foundation of the world, in the priesthood, for the salvation of men, are not to be altered or changed." (TPJS, 308) To me this is confusing for what was supposed to be ordained by God are not how He wanted them now. How can this be? Can you see where trying to understand Mormonism is full of so many conflicting doctrines and very difficult to keep track of? God is NOT the author of confusion. For it says in 1 Cor.14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

11-29-2013, 12:07 PM
I will say it again, you are a liar if nothing said here bothers you. Evidently it does or you wouldn't have made this comment.

Okay, call me a liar.

So, how about getting back to why we're here, to compare Mormonism with Christianity, not tearing people down personally, where does that get anyone?

So where did calling me a liar get you? I mean, you try to tear me down personally and then in the next sentence call for peace.

That's why I point out these things. No, it isn't to personally attack. It is to show the hypocrisy and twisted double-standards that Anti-LDS have to engage in in order to try and make some sense. But then because of the twisted nature of duplicity, no sense is made at all.

As I said yesterday, I do think there have been some doctrinal changes made to Mormonism since I left it. The temple ceremony for one where the blood oaths were removed. Sir, why was that? And why wasn't there a revelation announced that changes were to be made. From what I know, the ceremony was never to be changed or altered. "Ordinances insti tuted in the heavens before the foundation of the world, in the priesthood, for the salvation of men, are not to be altered or changed." (TPJS, 308) To me this is confusing for what was supposed to be ordained by God are not how He wanted them now. How can this be? Can you see where trying to understand Mormonism is full of so many conflicting doctrines and very difficult to keep track of? God is NOT the author of confusion. For it says in 1 Cor.14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

Go start a thread and see what replies you get.

This thread is dedicated to another topic.

11-29-2013, 12:58 PM
This message is hidden because Sir/Apollos is on your ignore list.

11-29-2013, 12:59 PM
I will say it again, you are a liar if nothing said here bothers you. Evidently it does or you wouldn't have made this comment. So, how about getting back to why we're here, to compare Mormonism with Christianity, not tearing people down personally, where does that get anyone?
As I said yesterday, I do think there have been some doctrinal changes made to Mormonism since I left it. The temple ceremony for one where the blood oaths were removed. Sir, why was that? And why wasn't there a revelation announced that changes were to be made. From what I know, the ceremony was never to be changed or altered. "Ordinances insti tuted in the heavens before the foundation of the world, in the priesthood, for the salvation of men, are not to be altered or changed." (TPJS, 308) To me this is confusing for what was supposed to be ordained by God are not how He wanted them now. How can this be? Can you see where trying to understand Mormonism is full of so many conflicting doctrines and very difficult to keep track of? God is NOT the author of confusion. For it says in 1 Cor.14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

There is one Mormon over on another site claiming that Satan is a real god. This might explain who is the "author" of Mormon confusion.

11-29-2013, 01:19 PM
This message is hidden because Sir/Apollos is on your ignore list.

Good grief!

Even when nobody was talking to you, you come to this forum and tell me you are ignoring me.

That is definitely a sign of something psychologically wrong with you.

Not to mention you have to type that message out each time, which proves you are not only NOT ignoring me, but you are stalking me to tell me you are ignoring me.

I hope when I am 68 I won't be so needy to seek attention from online strangers.

11-29-2013, 01:26 PM
Okay, call me a liar.

So where did calling me a liar get you? I mean, you try to tear me down personally and then in the next sentence call for peace.

That's why I point out these things. No, it isn't to personally attack. It is to show the hypocrisy and twisted double-standards that Anti-LDS have to engage in in order to try and make some sense. But then because of the twisted nature of duplicity, no sense is made at all.

Go start a thread and see what replies you get.

This thread is dedicated to another topic.

Hey, sorry to have stepped on your toes. I was only asking a question.

11-29-2013, 02:17 PM
Hey, sorry to have stepped on your toes. I was only asking a question.

I wouldn't appologize. Mormons do lie every time they propagate the lies of Joseph Smith!

11-29-2013, 03:10 PM
I wouldn't appologize. Mormons do lie every time they propagate the lies of Joseph Smith!

If you're going to chime in with insults, at least get the conversation straight.

She apologized for going off-topic, not for calling me a liar.

Silly Apologette!!!!

Now run along and ignore me and everyone else that disagrees with you! LOL

11-29-2013, 04:15 PM
This message is hidden because Sir/Apollos is on your ignore list.

11-29-2013, 08:56 PM
And now back to the original topic of the thread: We have breaking news--another fascinating example of Cram's stellar, fair moderating:
Dear NRA-Jeff,

You have received an infraction at Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums | Christian Chat.

Reason: Rule 12: Insulted Other Member(s). Attacking users. Rule 25: Freedom of Speech: Freedom of speech here comes with the responsibility to speak decently within the parameters of the rules.By registering you are agreeing not to be vulgar, divisive,insulting,profane, etc. (read all the rules). It helps to try and treat others as you want to be treated. Send alerts, do not attempt to moderate posters (Luke 6:31)
Rule 12: Insulted Other Member(s). Attacking users.

This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.


This is what happened: They had suspended a pro-LDS poster. Coincidentally, they also suspended BrianH about the same time (Brian getting suspended is a miracle, I know, right?)

Anyway, Andy, aka SeerOne, aka 'the holy Christian' posted:

Original Post:
I see someone greatly needs our prayers because he has been suspended again,
so I pray the LORD uses this time to soften his heart and open his eyes to see the falsehood of Mormonism and the Truth of Jesus, the Christ.....Amen

All I did was quote Andy's post, and right after he said

"I see someone greatly needs our prayers because he has been suspended again," I said:

Yeah, I, too, noticed that Brian got suspended again.

That was all. Somehow, in the 'fevered imagination' of the moderator, that was an attack or insult on Andy??

Weird. It would be interesting to psycho****yze the moderators and figure out what reasoning they use to determine what is and isn't an attack.

that's awesome!!!

Here's another I just got today.

Here's the setup: a poster wrote in every post "shake shake shake, I'm shaking the dust from my feet of you." He wrote it a dozen times. So wrote "Dude, do you have Parkinsons?" His reply and then my reply to him, which got me the "notification"

Dear Apollos,

You have received a warning at Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums | Christian Chat.

Rule 22: Divisive/Inflammatory Don't waste the time of the board participants by intentionally being divisive. http://carm.org/forum-rules

and accuse others falsely, such as accuse others of mocking when there was none. I read through the OP and there was no mockery in it, or double standard.

Original Post:

Quote Originally Posted by FNAJBAYBAY! View Post

No, dude, I'm obeying Jesus and shaking the dust from my feet (in electronically composed virtual writeality) as I depart from one who did not receive His love and instead mocked me. Sort of like you are now. It's one of those 'biblical things' m'man. At some point, dude, you gotta just let it go.

At least theway was way funnier than you.............dude.

Hey, that's clever! You claimed to shake the dust off your feet of those who mock you, while mocking those people you are shaking the dust from your feet.

That's the typical Anti-LDS mindset of hypocrisy and double-standards, but fun to watch in action every time! Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow. All the best,
Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums | Christian Chat

Yep, I pointed out the hypocrisy of his mocking me and shaking the dust from his feet against people that mock him, and pointed out such is the anti-LDS mindset, and VOILA!!

11-29-2013, 09:07 PM
Yep, I pointed out the hypocrisy of his mocking me and shaking the dust from his feet against people that mock him, and pointed out such is the anti-LDS mindset, and VOILA!!

Yes, I followed that thread. It happened like you said. In Cram's defense, lately the mod has handed out to me only 5-point violations instead of the usual 10 or 20-point ones.

11-29-2013, 09:43 PM
Yes, I followed that thread. It happened like you said. In Cram's defense, lately the mod has handed out to me only 5-point violations instead of the usual 10 or 20-point ones.

Yeah, that was a 5-pointer too. Maybe it's their way of doling out the punishments requested of them by the Anti-LDS (like Apologette/ Catherine) and still trying to save some face knowing that if they should be giving the same infractions to the Anti's more because they engage in similar/ far worse methods.

James Banta
11-30-2013, 09:39 AM
I posted about her blood pressure. I know about it because SHE BROUGHT IT UP.

I post about your adultery. I know about it because YOU BROUGHT IT UP.

If you guys find the mention of those things as personal attacks, maybe you shouldn't bring them up for discussion. But to get mad when I respond to those things is pretty silly.

I didn't bring up anything personally about me.. It was a third party that thought everyone should be told.. What is silly is to thing that everyone is going to react like you would to different stimuli.. Here is a flash for you no one is exactly like the other.. I don't want personalities to be involved here at all.. What I would like to see in a pure discussion about mormonism. From a position that it is the truth, and from a position that it is false. Both sides using the references that are Historic, modern, and scriptural..

If it can be shown that LDS are bigoted against the poor as an LDS Bishop proved to his ward by dressing as a street person who wanted to worship at his ward in Taylorville Utah (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/29/21675617-the-congregation-was-besides-themselves-mormon-bishop-dresses-as-homeless-man-to-teach-flock-a-lesson?lite), and was heartily rejected. I am glad that ward got a lesson they needed in acceptance but was not surprised at the way they rejected a man they believed to be homeless.. That give more credence to the incident My wife and I told you about the little girls whose mother left in our care in North Dakota. It shows that the rejection of the branch has a ring of truth to it instead of the rejection we experienced because their mother didn't often attend church meetings..

We have a couple that sometimes attends church with us.. They are not the cl*** of people that can be seen on Mormon.org/people, but the love the others have for them is very visible.. I dare anyone put us to the "homeless test" and see us fail like that bishop saw in the failure of his ward.. While no one has tried to come into my church dressed as a homeless person, I am convinced that they would be made welcome if someone did so.. IHS jim

James Banta
11-30-2013, 09:49 AM
Hey Jimmy,

As valiant and noble as you are trying to be, you have lost sight of the fact it is actually your wife who is doing the personal attacking going on verbal rampages. I am simply responding to that.

I saw you say that such things don't bother you.. But don't worry I'll protect you too. I have already asked her to back it off if she is going to continue to post.. IHS jim

11-30-2013, 10:21 AM
Oh, dear :( And here I thought that nothing said here was taken personally by you.....seems more falsehoods are being spoken? Just saying.

11-30-2013, 10:42 AM
Oh, dear :( And here I thought that nothing said here was taken personally by you.....seems more falsehoods are being spoken? Just saying.

Trivial, trivial, Lets keep it on something more important. Like Joseph Smith jr. Big Imagination.

11-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Oh, dear :( And here I thought that nothing said here was taken personally by you.....seems more falsehoods are being spoken? Just saying.

I think you are confused. By not taking things personally means I do not let things said here get to me and create negative angst in my life, nor do I dwell on the negatives when I'm offline.

You seem to think that when I post in response to your comments that that means I am taking them personally.

Here's an example. That's the 3-4th time you've accused me of lying. I point that out because it doesn't jibe with your claim to just want to be here and have a discussion or to not attack others. Responding to that is not taking it personally. Now, if I left this forum today and thought all day about "neverending thinks I lied" and it actually bugged me, that would be taking it personally. I definitely don't do that. But I love to show the hypocrisy of the Anti-mos, so you give me the evidence I need when I post about it.

11-30-2013, 12:08 PM
I saw you say that such things don't bother you.. But don't worry I'll protect you too. I have already asked her to back it off if she is going to continue to post.. IHS jim

Um, yeah.

How did that go telling your wife how to post?

James Banta
12-01-2013, 12:03 PM
Um, yeah.

How did that go telling your wife how to post?

The same way I can tell you.. Stay inside the forum rules.. Even that one Jill posted and is stuck to the top of the thread list.. IHS jim

12-01-2013, 12:38 PM
The same way I can tell you.. IHS jim


James Banta
12-02-2013, 11:03 AM

It is not wrong to have people stop at stop signs.. It is not wrong to stop someone hurting another person.. It is not wrong to tell people to obey the rule of not running by a pool.. It is NOT wrong to ask nor except others on the forum to obey the rules here either.. If you haven't read them in a while maybe you should refresh your memory by reading them again.. Don't forget the one Jill added and is a sticking at the top of the channel above all the other transit threads.. IHS jim

12-02-2013, 11:05 AM
It is not wrong to have people stop at stop signs.. It is not wrong to stop someone hurting another person.. It is not wrong to tell people to obey the rule of not running by a pool.. It is NOT wrong to ask nor except others on the forum to obey the rules here either.. If you haven't read them in a while maybe you should refresh your memory by reading them again.. Don't forget the one Jill added and is a sticking at the top of the channel above all the other transit threads.. IHS jim

What are you rambling about? Don't you get tired of trying to be the whining hall monitor?

James Banta
12-02-2013, 11:09 AM
What are you rambling about? Don't you get tired of trying to be the whining hall monitor?

I can say it again.. Asking others to obey the rules is NOT wrong.. It isn't whining.. It is what we all have a right to except of each other on the forum.. By calling me a whiner or others childish you break the rules.. I am asking you nicely Please Stop doing that and use that great mind you tell us you have to add something of substance to the discussion.. IHS jim