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View Full Version : How are we created in the likeness of God? Who is God? What did God Do?

James Banta
12-19-2013, 04:22 PM
How are we created in the likeness of God.. Is he really a glorified man as mormonism demands? What does the Bible teach.. Jesus said that God is Spirit (John 4:24).. In defining a spirit Jesus said that a spirit has no flesh and bone as you see I have (Luke 24:39).. So since flesh isn't an attribute of God we couldn't be created in God's physical image. We them must be formed in God's spiritual image. God is triune.. He is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Man is Physical (Flesh), intelligent (Mind), and spiritual (God aware). That is how we are created in the image of the God..

I do have a question about the mormon god (Their Jesus).. Has he always been God as the God of the Old Testament tells us that He is (Psalm 90:2)? Or did he become a God sometime after the great council in Heaven when His plan of salvation was chosen over Lucifer's? Was He already a God as he was born into the preexistence unlike all the rest of us? Can any of these all knowong LDS tell me when that great event took place? I would like to know these answers even if they came from LDS scriptures. Of course I will examine them by the light of the Bible but isn't God's word the final word on any subject concerning God and faith?

How many true Gods does His word teach us as existing? How many were to be created for this world before God? How many were to be formed after God was already God? Read it for yourself. If this p***age (Isaiah 43:10) speaks to only the God(s) of this world how can there be more than one God especially if one is the creator of the others?

There are some people that might want to show contradictions in the Bible.. All that shows is they don't understand what the scripture is saying.. There may be a mistake added by the weakness of man as there is in the BofM referring to a name that was not the name intended but the message of the scripture is perfect and that message is God! His Love seen in His creation, and His love in all He did to bring us His salvation. Those that would say that the sin of denying all His did in His love is somehow less than any other sin, That denying His law in anyway is less than any other sin showing that such a witness is in the process of denying the Holy Spirit and when that sin is complete there will be no forgiveness, EVER.. IHS jim

10-14-2017, 07:57 AM
My answer...

When a person dies,and when you go to the grave to be there as they lower the body into the earth, there is a moment where you can say your last words before you turn away and go back home...

In that moment, as you stand at the grave site looking down ....know that what you are looking at is all that man is that is NOT created in God's image.