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View Full Version : The Bitter Fruits of Joseph Smith's Lust!

02-01-2014, 03:17 PM
Joseph Smith gave a revelation (as the Mormon god was apparently very interested in his sexual fulfillment) which gave Smith permission to marry more than one wife - and he zealously followed the revelation. Taking more than 33 known wives, and probably more. The Mormon cult suspended polygamy as a sacred practice needed for exaltation when the Feds threatened to confiscate Church property, and we all know that property and possessions are very important to the LDS cult (if Malls are any example)! The Feds also were going to deny Utah Statehood.

Smith's revelation( D&C 132), therefore, was basically rejected by the Utahite Church after Young's death for political and monetary reasons, and many of Smith's followers, even to this very day, consider that the Utahite Church is apostate for this very reason. As a result, many "continuing Mormon" churches have sprung up which consider D&C 132 to be a valid revelation which is to be practiced by faithful Mormons. Some of these churches include:

The Kingston Clan - known as the Order, or the Latter Day Church of Christ
The Centennial Park Mormons - You can see their "smiley faced" version of polygamy on the History Channel
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of LDS - these people actually believe that Warren Jeffs is a prophet
The True and Living Church of JC of LDS - this group incorporates reincarnation with belief in polygamy
The Apostolic United Brethren - this is the group run by the Allreds, who believe in Adam God, and are a typical "priesthood" group
The Lebaron Cult - various groups found in Mexico and the southwest; Ervil Lebaron was one of their leaders who ordered the murders of those who disagreed with him.

Utah, I understand, has more people practicing polygamy today then did in the time of Brigham Young. And since the Brown decision by the court, this will most likely escalate. But what of the victims? What of the young girls caught in this cultic system - raised to believe that someone else speaks for God and can order them to marry someone they often don't love - maybe even an Uncle or half brother? These videos are important for everybody to watch, because as polygamy grows in Utah, there will be a day of reckoning:




Other episodes of this important TV program are available on Youtube. I believe the future will be shaped by the recent court decision in favor of polygamy - and we can expect that young girls, as the ones we see interviewed here, will become victims of "the bitter fruits of Joseph Smith's lust."