View Full Version : The LDS here seem to want an apology

James Banta
02-16-2014, 06:04 PM
Let me set this one forth as one I agree with:

I am sorry that before he eventually married Helen, Joseph Smith gave her a 24-hour deadline to give in to his offer of a place in heaven. I am sorry that two years after the death of Joseph Smith, Helen married her old sweetheart Horace Whitney. I am sorry that the marriage between Helen and Horace was only temporary because Helen was already "sealed" by marriage to Joseph Smith for eternity. I am sorry that Horace Whitney was "sealed" to an already dead Mormon woman before his “temporary” marriage to Helen.

I am sorry that after her mother died, Joseph Smith approached teenager Lucy Walker with a command that she marry Smith with the threat of eternal ****ation as the punishment if she refused. I am sorry that the year before Joseph Smith died, he said the following to Lucy: “I will give you until tomorrow to decide (whether to marry me). If you reject this message the gate will be closed forever against you.”

I am sorry that the Book of Mormon, which Joseph Smith claims to have transcribed from the golden plates given to him by the Angel Moroni, says the following: “Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, Saith the Lord.” (Jacob 2:24).

I am sorry that Joseph Smith said the following shortly before his death: "(W)hen I get my kingdom, I shall present it to my father, so that he may obtain kingdom among kingdom, and it will exalt him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take his place, and thereby become exalted myself.”

I am sorry that Smith’s polytheism is not consistent with John 14:6. I am also sorry that since these are the words of Christ, polytheism cannot be Christian. Moreover, I am sorry, my Mormon friends, but the the words of Christ trump the words of Joseph Smith who will never be God.

I am sorry that Mormonism teaches that Christ was not there in the beginning, that god was just a man who became God by following a moral code he did not create, and that we may all become gods by following the same moral code that predates the existence of Jesus. I am sorry that the theological mess caused by Joseph Smith is irreconcilable with the teachings of the Holy Bible.

Finally, I am sorry that my Mormon readers have unfairly accused me of criticizing Mormonism without doing my homework. But I am glad I did. Now I understand the significance of Galatians 1:6-9. (Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Letters to a Young Progressive: How To Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You Don't Understand.)

Seems clear that Mike has his finger on the pulse of truth here.. I totally concur with this apology.. IHS jim

02-17-2014, 09:34 AM
Excellent post. Mormons are always whining about being "attacked" by vicious anti-Mormons. Apparently, Christians are to stand mute, never be critical, and bow before the Mormon claim that our Church is an abomination and that their cult is the only true and living church on the face of the whole earth. The Mormons hate it when we respond to these claims with the truth. They detest it when we point out that Joseph Smith was a con artist, a serial adulterer, a sexual stalker and pedophile (one who enjoys sex with young girls). They want us to apologize and walk quietly away. After all, they are the Mormons - the glorious gods in embryo, rulers of the universe, standard bearers for Joseph Smith who mingles with the gods! We are nothing but "corrupt professors" of Christ, and our faith is worthless! Jesus founded our Church, but was too weak to keep it together. He had to wait over 1800 years until Joseph Smith was born, an occultist and crystal gazer, in order to "restore" what He could not - the Church Jesus founded. Woe to those who actually examine the life of Joseph Smith, and ask questions. Why, we should shut our mouths in the face of Joseph Smith's great revelations! We are not worthy to untie his polished boots! Christians who follow Christ and not Smith are to be despised and their views are to be belittled and mocked. Why, should anybody deny the claims of Smith to have done a greater work than Jesus Christ? Why should we be certain that the Bible is really God's Word - and not the Book of Mormon? Why should Christians stand up and say, "Jesus never abandoned His Church"? Indeed, why should Christians stand up and say, "Jesus is God?" We are lost, according to the Mormons, because we have not embraced Joseph Smith - we have not bowed at his altar. We have only read his teachings, and seen that they are contrary to God's Word - but we must stand mute. We must never speak against Smith, for after all, Smith is a god, and without belief in Joseph Smith, we are condemned:

"No man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith...every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, junior, as a p***port to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are"

- Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 7, p. 289

Ah, why do we revolt against Mormon teachings? Why do we not simply submit to Mormon superiority? I'll tell you why, because God the Holy Spirit Who dwells in the Christians and leads the Church into all truth has spoken to our hearts and given us Discernment - and we know that Joseph Smith lied, and that Mormons continue to promote his lies. And we are here to expose the lies of Mormonism, and fight the purveyors of false doctrines.

James Banta
02-18-2014, 12:19 PM
I know they are watching, I just don't think they liked the apology.. :o IHS jim

02-21-2014, 11:14 PM
I know they are watching, I just don'wt think they liked the apology.. :o IHS jimHi Jim And Val, that was such a nice way of telling it like it is Brother and a lot more can be said along that same look at Mormonism.

For me it is very easy to just glance through the BoM to see how false it is.

Any ways.....they took another 5 liters 0f fluid out of me today and it knocked me back for most of the day. It started a five AM and lasted 4 hours. Barb is here with me and she said my eyes were all sunken in and that treatment really knocked me back for most of the day.

I am a very late night owl for the most times so call me a call anytime. We really enjoy talking to you two so grounded in the TRUE WORD of CHRIST JESUS......Amen

It finally dawned on me that Smith digging up the so called"golden plates" and them disappearing the way they did was just a refinement of his treasure digging days whereas the so called "treasure" kept moving or just plain disappeared. Only in this case he (Smith) got a bunch of his friends and relatives good and drunk so that they would agree to almost anything as long as they got another free drink, so they claimed to see the so called covered up plates with their (drunk) "spiritual" eyes.

They took another 5 liters of fluid out of me again and it really knocked be back for most of the day. Barb is here and she said my eyes were sunken in when I got back from dialysis and occupational therapy took one look at me and just left.....and that more or less never happens. They always seem to want me to go through the drill no matter what excuse I have.

Your Brother and Sister in Christ Jesus,

Andy and Barb

02-22-2014, 10:28 AM
Remember, Love is never having to say, "You're sorry."

James Banta
02-22-2014, 03:26 PM
Remember, Love is never having to say, "You're sorry."

Do you really think THEY love us? IHS jim

02-22-2014, 09:45 PM
Do you really think THEY love us? IHS jim

Have you given them some valid reasons to? Or have you given them reasons to believe that you despise them?

02-22-2014, 11:00 PM
despise = regard with loathing and contempt: to dislike somebody or something intensely and with contempt.

That about fits with how I feel about what Smith has done, along with many of the actions or lack thereof by people who should have known better but failed.

But with this there is always a bit of sadness at the thought what is the fate of Mormons.

James Banta
02-23-2014, 10:00 AM
Is that what Jesus commanded.. Only love those that give you reasons to do so? Do not the LDS agree with Jesus that:

Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

I am willing to talk to them, open the scriptures with them. Show them that mormonism is a man made invention and lead them to Jesus and His cross. I don't care how many times they kick dirt into my face. Jesus died for them, as the old story said "young boy came up to Jesus and said, Jesus I love you this much spreading his arms as wide as he could. How much do you love me? Jesus looked at him with comp***ion and said I love you this much and He spread out His arms and died". f Jesus loved the lost that much I love then enough to keep telling them the truth whether they want to hear it or hide in the lies told to them by a divinator and liar. IHS jim

02-23-2014, 02:31 PM
Have you given them some valid reasons to? Or have you given them reasons to believe that you despise them?

Aren't you currently banned from here?

02-24-2014, 02:39 PM
Have you given them some valid reasons to? Or have you given them reasons to believe that you despise them?

I only despise Satan, and his workers of which Joseph Smith jr. was his foreman.

02-24-2014, 08:50 PM
I only despise Satan, and his workers of which Joseph Smith jr. was his foreman.
So if you believe Mormons to be among "his workers," then you actually do despise Mormons ?

02-24-2014, 09:17 PM
So if you believe Mormons to be among "his workers," then you actually do despise Mormons ?

i hate the sin....the sin of telling lies.
I hate the poor example so many Mormons are to the people that trusted them.

I hate the fact that Mormons go to hell when they die...

So there is a lot of anger at Mormonism and the leadership who know their religion is fake but continue the lies of Satan.

When we deal with Mormons at the door we Christians must stay aware that we are dealing with Satans children...and we cant allow ourselves to feel too sorry for such workers of evil in the world that we lose track of the real story here....for they dont knock on our doors looking for help but to spread a lie that brings death to all who listen to it....

so be as ready .....for Evil ride a bicycle

James Banta
02-25-2014, 08:48 AM
i hate the sin....the sin of telling lies.
I hate the poor example so many Mormons are to the people that trusted them.

I hate the fact that Mormons go to hell when they die...

So there is a lot of anger at Mormonism and the leadership who know their religion is fake but continue the lies of Satan.

When we deal with Mormons at the door we Christians must stay aware that we are dealing with Satans children...and we cant allow ourselves to feel too sorry for such workers of evil in the world that we lose track of the real story here....for they dont knock on our doors looking for help but to spread a lie that brings death to all who listen to it....

so be as ready .....for Evil ride a bicycle

And still with knowing that we must keep in mind that all who are not Born again from above are "Satan's children" and yet God loved these enough to give Jesus and through Him everlasting life to all who would believe.. So we must take the message of that Love God holds for them to their hearing that they can know His love and be ***ured of His salvation by His Grace through a faith that only He can provide and that faith in Jesus.. IHS jim

02-25-2014, 09:06 AM
So if you believe Mormons to be among "his workers," then you actually do despise Mormons ?
I can despise someone's work without despising them. Case in point there are many LDSinc. TBMs who believe they'er in a true religion, and then there are TBMs who have all the evidence to the contrary and still teach the BS of Joseph Smith jr. Imaginary mind.