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08-11-2014, 07:36 PM
I'm wondering what happened to disciple ?

He never got around to answering my questions.

Moderator Warning: No Baiting

08-11-2014, 08:00 PM
the personal attacks I forgot they still rule the roost around here

08-12-2014, 05:22 AM
I'm wondering what happened to disciple ?

He never got around to answering my questions.

Did he chicken out?

Disciple is someone I wouldn't even debate with about anything. I would feel too sorry for him.

He knows too little about too much.

But I hope he's well.

Well hello C,
It's nice to know someone is thinking of me. I answered your question to the best of my ability here;


Did I chicken out? This is a discussion forum C, nothing to be afraid of. The point is to engage others in conversation regarding things you are interested in and to be honest if you can. I know sometimes people gage their self worth by how much they think they know or by how many debates they feel they win. So if my lack of knowledge is helping you in this area, I'm happy to help and thanks for your well wishes.:)

08-12-2014, 03:11 PM
Well hello C,
It's nice to know someone is thinking of me. I answered your question to the best of my ability here;


Did I chicken out? This is a discussion forum C, nothing to be afraid of. The point is to engage others in conversation regarding things you are interested in and to be honest if you can. I know sometimes people gage their self worth by how much they think they know or by how many debates they feel they win. So if my lack of knowledge is helping you in this area, I'm happy to help and thanks for your well wishes.:)

good you came back.. and yes, I was concerned I may have scared you away which was not my intention.

thanks for being a good sport ..

see, I'm not looking for self worth gaged by debate winning. This would be hard to do in any event ,given the format.

But you thinking that does come across as a provocation.

I know you believe in a literal word for word ,scientifically accurate interpretation of Genesis ,and if that works for you who am I to object.

But if you want to participate in a forum ,you should realze that at least some will dsagree and ask you to answer and back up your beliefs,

If you can't do that ,then don't go out on the dance floor unless you know the steps to dance to.

Unless you can answer some basic questions such as; where did blacks come from, then you should study a little bit more and reevaluate your literal beliefs in Genesis.

08-13-2014, 06:12 AM
good you came back.. and yes, I was concerned I may have scared you away which was not my intention.

thanks for being a good sport ..

see, I'm not looking for self worth gaged by debate winning. This would be hard to do in any event ,given the format.

But you thinking that does come across as a provocation.

I know you believe in a literal word for word ,scientifically accurate interpretation of Genesis ,and if that works for you who am I to object.

But if you want to participate in a forum ,you should realze that at least some will dsagree and ask you to answer and back up your beliefs,

If you can't do that ,then don't go out on the dance floor unless you know the steps to dance to.

Unless you can answer some basic questions such as; where did blacks come from, then you should study a little bit more and reevaluate your literal beliefs in Genesis.

Hello C,
Being a good sport is almost essential if one is going to enjoy a discussion forum, those who get angry ruin it on everyone. Although I must admit that sometimes I enjoy being sarcastic, but I try to be respectful in most cases. Again my answer as to where dark skinned people come from has been stated and that's what I believe. We are all one race, humans, and we adapt and change (not evolve) for many reasons; climate, location, available resources and so on. One brother in church is white with red hair, one is black, one is Asian, one is brown. All love Jesus and are called to spread the Gospel. Not being able to prove literal 6 day creation does not preclude anyone from spreading the Gospel nor should it call into question one's relationship with Jesus nor disqualify one's opinion in a discussion. Studying the Bible more would be a good thing but doing so will not change my evaluation of Creation. I would like to hear what you have to say on the subject of different skin colors and if you believe Adam and Eve were literal people, etc.

08-13-2014, 03:54 PM
Hello C,
Being a good sport is almost essential if one is going to enjoy a discussion forum, those who get angry ruin it on everyone. Although I must admit that sometimes I enjoy being sarcastic, but I try to be respectful in most cases. Again my answer as to where dark skinned people come from has been stated and that's what I believe. We are all one race, humans, and we adapt and change (not evolve) for many reasons; climate, location, available resources and so on. One brother in church is white with red hair, one is black, one is Asian, one is brown. All love Jesus and are called to spread the Gospel. Not being able to prove literal 6 day creation does not preclude anyone from spreading the Gospel nor should it call into question one's relationship with Jesus nor disqualify one's opinion in a discussion. Studying the Bible more would be a good thing but doing so will not change my evaluation of Creation. I would like to hear what you have to say on the subject of different skin colors and if you believe Adam and Eve were literal people, etc.

No.. now get real. Don't play games with me..

I'm not talking about " dark skinned people" O.K. dude..? whatever..

I'm asking you to tell me based on Genesis and Noah's ark the origens of the NEGRO RACE .

Anyone can darken up after a few minutes out in the sun.

08-13-2014, 07:07 PM
No.. now get real. Don't play games with me..

I'm not talking about " dark skinned people" O.K. dude..? whatever..

I'm asking you to tell me based on Genesis and Noah's ark the origens of the NEGRO RACE .

Anyone can darken up after a few minutes out in the sun.
As far as I know the topic is not addressed in the Bible....

08-14-2014, 05:12 AM
No.. now get real. Don't play games with me..

I'm not talking about " dark skinned people" O.K. dude..? whatever..

I'm asking you to tell me based on Genesis and Noah's ark the origens of the NEGRO RACE .

Anyone can darken up after a few minutes out in the sun.

I believe that all men are descended from Adam and Eve, one race. Acts 17:26 says this,"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings". How Africans, Asians, etc., have different skin color and different features I obviously don't have the answer you will be satisfied with. You want proof that what is recorded in Genesis is literally true and I can't supply that proof except to say that I believe what is in the Bible and God could create everything exactly as recorded. If you have another interpretation of Genesis, that you could prove, I think we would all be very interested.

08-14-2014, 05:21 AM
as far as why we look the way we do?....the bible does not inform.

As the Bible does not address this question, it thus is not a concern for religion.
it therefore falls to our world of science to study the question.