View Full Version : Struggling with the teaching that there will be polygamy in heaven ??

02-11-2016, 06:33 PM

I quote: " Hello. I just want to start off by saying that I am a devout member of the church.
My cousin recently brought up the fear that she will have to be one of multiple wives in the Celestial Kingdom.
I had never really thought about there being polygamy in heaven.
I decided to do some research on the topic and indeed, it is in the church doctrine that there will be polygamy in heaven.

This is making me feel sick.
I have talked to my husband about this, and he ***ures me he would not willingly be married to another woman.

He says if he is commanded by God, he will, though. "

From what I have seen....very few Mormon husbands would disagree with the one talked about in this quote.
I just dont find on-line too many loving Mormon husbands standing up against the current Mormon teaching that there will be polygamy in heaven.

No, mostly what you find are two things that the Mormon guys are mostly found saying...
They like to say that "If it's a Command, then they will take other wives"...and then they like to say to make this look better that in the future there will be such "joy" in the coming Kingdom that their wives "Will welcome other women it to their family " and have no jealousy about them having physical relations with many, many other women...

02-11-2016, 06:39 PM
LDS Apostle Bruce R. McConkie wrote that ‘the holy practice will commence again after the Second Coming and the ushering in of the millennium.’

02-11-2016, 08:26 PM
Yes, Alan, but it's not about SEX, it's not driven by SEX, it's not about having all the SEX you can. YOU keep adding that. Did you get married and stay married simply because of all the sex that is available to you? Is marriage solely about sex? That is an extremely degrading at***ude, and if you truly believe that, I would hate to be your wife knowing that you only kept me around for sex. But you don't get married for sex, you don't stay married for sex (or at least you shouldn't) That's a horrible outlook on marriage and family. It's sad if you think that is all marriage and family is about.

I'm sorry your mortal mind isn't connecting the dots. It's not about sex and porn and jealousy and mysogyny, God would never allow or command something that isn't for our betterment, growth or development. You (and others) can have all the opinions about it that you want. It doesn't make it true.

In short, your opinion about what YOU believe polygamy is about is just that...opinion. You can dislike polygamy, as it was practiced in church history, or not believe in it...but it simply is not rooted in sex & lust...and you CONTINUE to have no proof that it is. One day it will all be explained to you and there will be no questions or doubts or he said, she said. It will simply be He said.