Quote Originally Posted by Columcille View Post
I am from Seattle, Washington and joined the service at the MEPS station in Seattle. The best of the best do come from ALL OVER America, but from my interaction with others in the military... coming from a percentage of the population of each state.
I would say that the small town America or perhaps demographicallys speaking "red county" country is more supportive of the troops.
That may be true, but some of "red" mindset, isn't what the troops are actually about. So, what many troops views as being 'supportive', is often objective. I've been around military people most of my life, and I know there is are variety of moral values and political views represented amongst them.

I left Seattle behind and moved to Tennessee, to stay; tree huggers in Washington can be fairly emotional and angry with troops, but they are ******** of the soldier's plight, and the worst ones misplace their anger onto the troops rather than on congress that sent them.
One guy I knew was from Seattle, he went back there (after getting out)... and stayed supportive of the military for the remainder of his life; he was very fond of his military service and experience; he was one of the best troops I'd ever known.

There were many others I know and have known from big cities and small towns (red/blue); and without any doubt, I realize that there are great soldiers with diverse viewpoints and values in America's Armed Forces. I'm not so concerned that they come from any particular background, as long as they do the *** and do it well.

Some of their "ideals" are so high minded, as though if we are peaceful with the terrorists countries that somehow those dictators are going to see the light and turn their guns into plowshares. What naivete! I thought this sort of criticism stuck more to idealism of Christianity, but the roles are now reversed.
Well, I cannot answer for every person skating near the fringe (I tend to discount the words and ways of extremists of any type); it's not prudent to regard HYPE and irrationality to a significant degree.

Do it for too long, and you just end up 'loony'.