What we learn is that the use of stress to loosen a tongue works.
But it does not always work.
And it does not always get a person to tell the truth.

However sometimes if a person under great stress is still able to tell a lie, and you know it's a lie...then this points out that there has got to be a very good reason why a person would tell such a lie.

We dont like to think about what is going on in Egypt and North Korea right now, but the results are very clear.

North Korea has seen within the last year a purge due to a failed CIA effort to overthrow the current leadership (and put in place some other members of the Korean ruling family) this purge is the direct result of a lot of stress used against some of the highest members of the North Korean military.....

Also in Egypt (with the helping hand and financing of the CIA) they are using such stress in the weeding out members of the former elected party that were a threat to our interests and to our Egyptian military friends that we are very closely connected to.

Now a lot of people in our American/liberal leadership want us to think that the use of stress on people is not that useful, but the people that are tasked with the defense of this country know that it's a useful tool to have, and at times gives you results that you cant match by any other means.

It does not always work.

But over the history of this world it has shown more than enough times to have worked well enough to always keep around in case its needed.

It's like I said, - there are times in history where you have a guy in a room that knows something important, and you have to be able to go into that room with him and do whatever is necessary to be able to walk out of the room later with the information.