Correct. He is, and His will can be determined even now, by his revelation to the nation of Israel and through the testimony of his apostles and his Church throughout the ages in the Church's consistency on morals. It is not my own interpretation, that is the fundamental aspect of Protestantism. I, as a Catholic, hold to something greater than myself. The sacramental grace I recieve from the sacraments are only beneficial when my soul is in complete communion with the teachings of my Church. Those Catholics that are ill instructed, may receive the sacramental grace, but when properly catachized and instructed, any idea that one can approach Catholicism like a buffet line and pick and choose those aspects they want to agree or disagree on is a bad Catholic that needs to confess to the priest or just leave the Church to graze with the other Protestants.

At any rate Austin, I wish you well. I do not have a lot of time left before I become active duty. If you absolutely feel it necessary to divert from the OP and go on a t-i-t-for-tat, I'll give you the last word, I will not answer you unless it reflects some substance to answering the intentions of the original post. Besides, I am going to have the last word anyways, just not in the forum. I'm taking my last word to Him in hopes that while I am away for a year that I can expect great things from you. May you have an enjoyable anomie that will lead you into a fuller understanding, blessings, and fruitful relationship with the Lord Jesus.