Quote Originally Posted by tealblue View Post
What if someone reads the bible and says that according to john 10 that we are gods then how do you respond? Because if you read it sounds like Jesus is saying we are Gods. There are alot of what looks like contradictions in scripture but we explanations for them. So how come you can't accept the explanation thats given to you? I mean the Nicene creed is clear about being one God.

John 10:34-38 is a rebuke to the Jews that were preparing to murder Christ right there on the spot. The first part of the rebuke is that they did not understand the Scriptures, because even though it is written "Ye are gods," if one reads the Scripture in its original context (Psalms 82) it is clear that those "gods" were merely men. These men were unable to respond to what Christ said, because they did not have the knowledge to respond with the proper response, they only had murder in their hearts and wanted to kill God. The second part of the rebuke is that these Jews did not recognize Him or believe in Him, even with all the miracles He had performed. The Kingdom of God had come to them and they did not know it and had no excuse for not knowing.

The Scriptures are clear about there being only one God. The Nicene Creed breaks down when it speaks about the "apostolic Church". The word "Church" means one thing to an RC, but it means something entirely different to a Christian. The Nicene Creed teaches one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, but the Bible does not teaches that baptism can forgive sins. The RCC catechism is not clear. I will defend the Scriptures, but it is not my *** to defend the Nicene Creed nor the catechism nor any organization that may or may not call itself a church. If the catechism were true to the Scriptures I would not have a problem with it. Surely you must frequently see the contradictions in the RCC, why is that not disturbing to you? God is not the author of confusion. The RCC is the author of confusion.