Tongues never ceased, it is a gift until The Lord returns, just like the other gifts, only those who don't have the baptism of the Holy Ghost state such, from misinformed teachings.
Jesus said you must be born again of water and the Spirit, many Trinitarians in many of the MYSTERY BABYLON religion are against it, because they simply never had the Spirit or the Truth.
According to Acts 2:38-39 this promise of the Father ...the Holy Ghost baptism is for ALL.
I was never trained, taught by a minister, told to do something like speak in tongues, in my first service at a altar with me repenting, I received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and then latter the Gift of Tongues /Gift of Interpretation and then was baptized in Jesus wonderful name by a Apostolic minister.
I do hold the difference between the baptism with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues with that of the Gift of the Tongues and Interpretation.