Quote Originally Posted by Jean Chauvin View Post
WOW. Ed Decker becomes a bus driver and starts taking everybody to school. Oneness cult member not trained in logic creates more logical fallacies then then a Ed Decker/Sandra Tanner Poker Game.

What else have I missed?

The Oneness cult is indeed a sociological cult. In our Bible Studies every sa****ay night a former oneness joins our group. Hes gone through a lot of mental and spiritual abuse. Typical Oneness victim.

While the issues of tongues is not essential to the faith. The Oneness cult creates a division there that is simply invented from the back woods of their emotion. The issue of Calvinism also even among orthodox circles has caused some to do the same mistake. Dave Hunt for example and George Bryson and even Chuck Smith discretly.

Though I will be upsetting Chrisitans also when I say that the gift of tongues is not a gift today. We see in I Corinthians 13:8 that tongues and prophesy will cease. Some common theories on this are:

It refers to Jesus and his return
When the mystery is issued in.

The most popular position, probably in the high 90's takes the perfect in verse 10 as Jesus.

We do see that we are speaking of a neauter gender here thus grammatically it cannot be Jesus.

Tongues ceased with the closing of cannon absolutely.

Im not sure I took this road. I've studied the Oneness cult since I was a teenager that started with the Robert Bowman debate with a Oneness cult member.

This is a pretext to the subject as a whole. If the Lord gives me time, together we can theologically shoot you between the eyes and either have you become so dumbfounded you hop around to another cult or you repent and turn to the Biblical Jesus Christ for your salvation.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
That is by far the most common anti tongues teaching found in the Church.. I don't blame you at all for holding that doctrine.. I praise God that it matters so little.. Still after all this time since the canon of scripture has been established prophecy continues within the Church. Even if it is only watching and waiting for full fulfillment of all things prophecy continues. It is not a huge leap for me to hold that tongues also continues. Many a person is edified by their personal use of tongues. I am in favor of anything God uses to lift up His children drawing then closer to Him.. So until the perfect does come these gift will remain in the Church..

Brother I am NOT gifted in tongues, I am NOT a prophet.. I am a mere teacher who does nothing but points to the Lord on the cross telling people to take their sin, their hurts, their love and hopes to Him.. IHS jim