Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
So if God does not conform to how you expect Him to be then he is not worthy of your worship?
--Well, YOU expect God to be an amorphous, capricious tyrant with a 3-way personality disorder, and if God doesn't conform to that, do YOU consider Him worthy of YOUR worship?

Isn't that just making up a god in your own mind?
---Isn't that what Calvinism's Trinity is?

The answer is: YES, I DO have high standards for God: He'd better have better wisdom, fairness, and ethics than humans have, or else why should I think He should be worshiped? That would just be illogical, to want to worship a being of a lower character than WE have.

"But He is more POWERFUL and KNOWS MORE stuff than you do, and He can be in two places at the same time!"

That has got to be among the WORST reasons why a being should be worshiped.