Quote Originally Posted by Trinity View Post
Hello Sayso,

Jesus Christ gospel was preached in the middle of the first century. Less than 25,000 people were christianized at the end of the first century (this number includes a variety of sects into the christianity of the first century, a dozen). What was the status of all the people from every continent (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia) who have died before the end of the first century?

All these souls will be thrown into hell because of their ignorance? Yes? No?

Or, in the entire world, only 25,000 souls could enter into heaven during the first century? This is what you believe? Yes? No?

If you answer yes, this means that God had created a lot of people with the intention that they perish in hell. That also means that the aborted babies were more lucky than those who were living.

How someone from the first century living in Australia (or in South America) could believe in Jesus if he had never heard about him? They were disposable or wasted souls?


You presume that these people are ignorant but God is much bigger than you or I.

Jesus said, that The Gospel would be preached to everyone. Whether he uses men to do it or whether He Himself reveals it, nobody will be ignorant. All will have a chance to choose or refuse to come in through the door.

There are none who will be judged because of not hearing.

Matthew 24:14
"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come."

1 Peter 4:6
For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God.

And sadly, I believe there are many who will not listen or repent and therefore won't be saved. However, it won't be because they didn't know any better or have a chance to choose whom they would serve.