Because I don't want this thread to be removed on the basis of personal attacks I will refrain from citing the poster whose words these are. But this is the kind of thinking that makes LDS like me wonder why critics of the LDS think they have something better to offer the LDS:

"You still refuse to believe! You hold a foolish idea that a ,man must sin to be a sinner.. That isn't what the Bible teaches.. It says ALL have sinned.. ALL [name removed] not just adults with mature minds but ALL means the infants, the mentally handicapped, ALL"
1) Is it really foolish to think that one must actually do something in order to be called someone who does that thing? Can I call someone a rapist if he never committed rape? Can I call someone a thief if he has never stolen? etc.

2) How can someone claim to have a better news, the good news, to offer LDS, when they believe that infants and mentally handicapped people are sinners? I agree with the BoM that states people who believe an infant, a baby that has no comprehension of reality, let alone the ability to make a rational choice to choose between good and evil and consciously choose one or the other, is in the gall of bitterness.