Yeah, its amazing how Mormons have been reduced to reflexively regurgitating each other's comments and granting themselves and each other automatic unquestioned and final authority on all these things.

They take the time to format their footnotes correctly in order to make their stuff look authentic, and their websites are nicely produced. To the easily duped, I am sure this makes them all look entirely credible. The problem is, their arguments are all based on nothing more than wishful thinking, speculation and empty guesswork.

Over against this, we have the uniform consensus of all qualified Egyptologists, archaeologists, historians and linguists as to the names and iden***ies of these Egyptian deities as well as how they figure into Egyptian mythology and religion. And NOT ONE scholar, Mormon or otherwise has ever once produced a single iota of any kind of evidence to challenge that consensus. Instead, Mormons are told to take the claims of the LDS organization on "faith".

Its as if there was a religion based on an excerpt of the U.S. Declaration of Independence supposedly translated into a story about an invasion of space aliens and the names signed at the bottom identified as members of a mythological Mayan pantheon. Its just plain STOOOOOOPID, and literally NO ONE takes the LDS claims seriously. And in fact, Mormon Egyptologist Stephan Thompson has totally debunked the Book of Abraham.

At least there are a few honest Mormon scholars on earth.

