
Decalogue---your dialogue sounds like it comes from the Salem witch hunts. "...your helping out the Evil one..." Oh brother.

You do not know when to keep quiet do you ? { Or , in this case , when to keep your fingers away from the keyboard. }

Your proper response after reading my post above , would have been for you to do some self-examination . Some soul-searching.

Ask some questions about Joseph Smith's "First Vision Account". Instead of trying to defend Mormonism by insulting Christianity , and hacking away at the words of Holy Scripture , ask yourself why a supposed Angel of "God" would tell fibs about the Christian Churches , when Jesus Christ himself said that "... The gates of Hell will not stand against his Church...."

--- What you should do is like I said before ---> ask/write/call the headquarters building in Salt lake City and ask the Bigshots how many Corporation Board-of-Directors seats that they sit on ? How much money do they make ... while making fun of biblical Christian Pastors for getting paid by their local congregations ?

As for "Salem witch hunts' ... well , the Bible tells us that there were witches and practioners of 'evil' stuff in Bible times , and there are today people who still do that. Look in the mirror . It is you and the mormons on this Board that are doing the will of your "father" , and according to Scripture --- that 'father" is The Evil One. Only the Devil hisself could have invented L.D.S. mormonism.

It is mormonism that teaches that Joseph Smith must be professed as a "Prophet-of-God" before you can get into the Celestial heaven.

Biblical Christianity says that the ONLY way to get to Heaven is by repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ ! John 14:6 !