Quote Originally Posted by BigJulie View Post
Interesting viewpoint Alan--especially given what was on the line considering the Court.

Interesting as well that evangelicals in South Carolina came out to support Trump.

My conclusion--evangelicals would vote for someone who has cheated on his wives, has supported pro-abortion adamantly, called just about every other group some type of demeaning name including put-downs to women and minorities rather than to vote for someone they can't 'connect' with.

So, if I understand it correctly--evangelicals can "connect" with a man who has no morals and lambastes everyone who is not part of his group. Kind of like this forum. I get it now.
Trump understands that Mitt never did,and what Bush also failed to do....
Trump plays to what the conservatives of the Republican party have on their minds...

Remember Mitt never once wanted to be even called conservative"...
He had his minions one day protesting the term, the next day painting Mitt with it..

So Mitt just was never the true conservatives guy because Mitt did not want to be connected with conservative concerns.

This year...Trump has become the only guy that is truly saying the things that the conservatives want said...

everyone else running on the Republican side is saying, "Lets not make this about religion"
Trump is saying, "Ban the Muslims!"

Everyone else is saying, "Lets have a way to make new people become Americans"

Trump is saying, "Build a wall"

Mitt ever say "Build a wall"?

I dont think so.

Yet alot of people still try to blame the conservatives why Mitt lost, but the truth is, Mitt was warned over and over that by playing to the Left he was walking away from the issues that Conservatives care about...

But Mitt thought that playing to the Left would make him loved by the Liberals and they would vote for him.

Mitt played to the Left.
The conservatives found no reason to vote for him.
Mitt lost the vote of conservatives because he was aiming at getting the Liberal vote to cover the loss.

the Liberals voted for the other guy...

So dont blame the conservatives for the loss of Mitt....and dont try to blame anyone except Bush now for the way Bush failed when he ran with Mitt's playbook...