Quote Originally Posted by neverending View Post
db: please show me where the Bible teaches that I must first have obedience to Jesus before I can be saved. John 3:16 doesn't say anything about obedience, it just says, "that whosoever BELIEVES...." nothing about obedience.
Taht's it? All you have to do is believe? Even the devil believes. And here, too, is this sleight of hand, where the critic says, "The Bible only says to believe and you are saved, nothing about obedience." THe LDS then respond that they believe in Jesus. Then the critic then starts the litnay of conditions, qualifications, and variables that are also required in order to claim you believe in the right Jesus.

The LDS hide the meanings from the unsuspecting convert, why do you have to do that?

The critics hide the meaning of "believe in Jesus" and do not reveal all of the other details that they claim are required for salvation. Why do you have to do that?