Quote Originally Posted by BigJulie View Post
I am wondering how many Christians, now seeing what has happened with the Supreme Court under Obama, still believe Mitt Romney would not have chosen Justices who were more aligned with their beliefs and values or more aligned with their own Christian values. What point did you really win or make by judging Romney not to be a Christian?
Mitt is not a Christian...thats case-closed..

But I had no political issues with his run for office.
But Mitt ran a ****py run for President.
he time after time went out of his way to stab Conservative causes in the back,

Even as he was doing this I would post here that he was not going to win with his style...

mitt was not happy attracting traditional voters, and so he tried to run more to the left...

Mitt had no "issue" that he was running on...He never came up with a cause that Conservative Christians could believe he would go to the mat to get done...

The flaws of Mitt's run have been learned and in this election you do see everyone who is leading (mostly Trump) getting issues that they are connected to.

The one guy who ran just like Mitt ran was Bush.

Bush ran the very same way that Mitt ran, and Bush would be leading at this point had he had an issue..

But Bush ran like Mitt, and so lost like Mitt....