Rush has been a huge Newt supporter and talking to my women friends---this has done nothing but hurt Rush's reputation. I stopped listening to him when he supported Cain...I thought, four women state that he has harr***ed them and you really question not one, not two, but FOUR women? So, every once in a while I will turn on the radio while I am doing dishes to listen to Rush support Newt and then, the radio is off again. I just can't stomach it. To me, it is one set of out of control hormones supporting another set of out of control hormones. Men, if they want to understand women, should learn that they are not really keen on men backing men doing this type of thing.

Anyway, so it would be really interesting if Rush is finally reading the writing on the wall and coming to terms that when you support someone who "talks" conservative, but then acts like a narcissist, well---we all don't believe just the talk.