I appeal again to those of us who are still posting here, please stop and let the site die. I have been monitoring the average access and it is never more than a handful of viewers at any time.

The main reason I used to post here was to defend the Lord’s Church against the unbiblical, unverifiable, and uninformed posts by the enemies of the Lord’s Gospel. All we were really doing was constantly recirculating the same discussion points that will never be resolved.

Whenever we point to verses in the Holy Bible that support the LDS position we are accused of “cherry picking” verses. Which is pretty ludicrous since the “trinity theory” can only be slightly supported by a few “cherry picked” questionable verses from the New Testament.

I know it is fun to torment the ill-informed EV posters, but we are doing more harm than good by indulging in this practice since our participation increases the Google rankings of the site. Admittedly they only appear on Page 3 of a Google search, as does CARM by the way, but this is mostly due to the admirable work done by our own SEO specialists.

Let the site die, our participation in these sites is the only thing that keeps them alive, and by participating we are actually ***isting satan attack the Lord’s Church.
