Quote Originally Posted by RealFakeHair View Post
How does a TBM win an argument with an anti-mormon? If it is over matters of faith, no one wins that argument, why? Because it is personal belief of the intangible vs the tangible. On matters of the tangible even here the LDSinc. Can't win because of your fallback excuse of (as far as it was translated corrrectly) as it relates to the Holy Bible.
Last but not least is LDSinc. History, this is where TBMs fail miserably. Take for instance, The Mormon Meadow M***acre. I am willingly to bet the average TBM knows every little of the Brigham Young and John Lee connection.
So as we see there is no comparison between a TBM and Christians when it comes to winning or losing.
The Word of God will alway win over the word of a low life con-man's imaginary mind.
Every time you show the tangible published reason why the BofM is a man invented story, every time we show that Joseph Smith is a false prophet, every time we show that the unique doctrines of mormonism are 100% UNBIBLICAL, the LDS fall back to their intangible personal beliefs.. Their testimonies.. These have the same authority as our authority of a personal relationship with Jesus, or a confession of love toward or families.. They really have nothing else.. All the historic information given by the foundational leadership of mormonism proves that it is a lie.. Smith teaching three different Gods for this world. Jesus being a creation and not the creator. Adam being our Father and our God and the only God with whom we have to do.. God being a being of flesh and bone as tangible as man. These ANTI BIBLICAL statements are the foundation on which mormonism is based.. If the foundation is rotten then the whole structure is rotten.. IHS jim