what I have been reading about Hank in the media as of late, tends to show us that underneath Hank has really gone down a dark path.

We all have watched this happen...
I have seen recently that Hank has once again taken steps that are so clearly in the wrong direction that we are now in need of "Telling the church" to avoid him ....or to ignore him...
Not because we are afraid of him, but rather it's because he simply is getting more and more rude....more and more disrespectful to others...and his teachings are drifting too far from the Bible....too far from what Walter Martin taught.

This does not mean that as of right now I think the whole BIBLE ANSWER MAN websites and shows are too bad to refer others to yet.

But it does now show me that Hank "as a person" is drifting away from the core teachings of the church as he , for whatever reason, (anger, age, sickness, cancer?) just becomes a bad example of a trustworthy bible answer guy...