Greetings Ally and ASDF,
After reading your comments I wanted to make a point. My comment was
"Gee all these vast mountains of evidence and scientific consensus and it is still just a theory, a theory used by man in the hopes of explaining away God."
My point is that as someone who believes that the Bible is God's word I feel my comment was not stüpid, ignörant or a lie. In Mat. 19:4 Jesus spoke about God creating man and woman so apparently for Jesus, that rules out evolution. Jesus also said in Mat. 12, "He who is not with Me is against Me". Scientific theorys are not "just another way God could have done things", what Jesus says is true or it's not and those who choose to ignore what God has said are replacing God's revelation with another explaination. Perhaps I should have prefaced my comment with this point.
It was interesting reading both your comments. Incidently Asdf I am a "he".