asyou never got back to me, I guess I should just sum up the rest of what I was going to write if you needed to see more of how I go over the text verse by verse.

I would have pointed out that the place where the Bible draws all life from, both animal life and human life according to the teachings of Evolution is "the earth itself"
The earth is the final place where the teachings of evolution will trace back life to.

Then I show how the text in Genesis teaches the very same thing, that all life, be it human or animal, all come from a common starting point in the Bible...(The Earth)

Next I would likely deal with the events of the 4th day.
The deal with the 4th day is that this is the point where the Young earth teachers had to start adding things to the text and re-working the first part of the story to make everything fit with how they wanted the 4th day to read.

But I show how it is not necessary to add all that junk to the story (like the invention of a "sourceless light)

The story of the 4th day reads like a normal story with no need to add things to it to make it work with the first part of the Genesis week.

We remember that at the first day the Text tells us that God created the "Heavens" and so we take this to be talking about the "stars" and as our sun is just a normal star that was created also "In the beginning"we have all the source for the light talked about on the 4th day.

I point out that the words "also made the stars" is an addition to the text and does not actually belong there at all.

point by point I can show what Im talking about is the only correct way to understand the Genesis story...