Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
Doesnt matter,
The ship (your life/ the universe) still under the authority of the Skipper at all times.

Nothing you do....be a good person, be a bad person, walk to the left, walk to the right NOTHING you will ever do ever takes away the authority of the Skipper over His ship...

in the universe the word of God is ALWAYS law.....

if you disagree?..fine, then do something that takes away God's authority over this universe......try it....
It cant be done!

You will always be under the authority of God no matter how far you travel....no matter how high you climb....or how deep a sea you sink in...there you still will find God there
My question was related to one's free will.
If the Skipper wants me on the ship but I decide to jump ship, will he take away my free Will and stop me?