I get a lot of stuff sent to me over the years that has been written by a man named "Graham Cooke" but when I read it it seems just a bit "off" to my ear.

I cant put my foot on it, but something is just not correct at some type of fundamental level about some of his writings.

Once in a while I read something from him and I get the feeling that it comes close to "Name it/Claim it"

I will give you an example.
""Jesus is the door into every situation. He is the door into employment. He is the door into health. He is the door into healing. He is the door into wholeness. He is the door in every relationship. As you press into Him, space will open up that is designed for you to occupy."

Im not sure, but when I read this stuff I get the real feeling that this guy is just making stuff up that sounds good to many people, but really is not true.