Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
once again we have to remember the type of point of view we have when talking about the topic.

god is not "in the grasp" of time p***ing.

So God looks at all of time as if its a finished painting....
What I mean by this is that God does not have to "think back"...or does not have to "glance ahead"
Its all just a finished "thing" to God.

But we are trapped within the grasp of time.
We have moments that age us....we get older...

so we look at the p***ing of time like we are reading a book...one page follows another/one moment of our lives follows another.

Now because we are talking about the nature of God...even my image of a painting breaks down because of the simple fact that god is unlike us so much that any effort to understand him will fail.
So when I say God kinda looks at the universe and time like we look at a painting, what Im dealing with is that fact that when we look at a painting there is no "implied time" to it like there is to a book.

With a book you clearly see where the start is, and where the end is.
But when you look at a painting there is no start....you don't have to start at one place, scan across, then drop down a line to see the "next" moment.

The painting is all at once, all the same.

God is kinda like that when he looks at time.
God is not here in my "now" any more than he is currently watching my mom being born....or watching the Big bang, or watching the 2nd Coming of Christ.
Its all the same to God because he is outside the grasp of time.

God has no personal past....no possible future....no next moment.

God does not get older, God was never any younger.

God is not connected or effected by this thing we call "time"

still one of my better posts on the nature of God...