Quote Originally Posted by Christodoulos View Post
If you're looking for a belief system that can be verified in real terms then you won't find it in any religion.

But those who do believe because they have faith in God, based on the spiritual values they can understand ,are willing to accept , and feel are important ,then
that's the making of a religion.

The question isn't simply : "does this work for you".

.What god free atheists will never accept are the consequences of the world becoming a god -free zone.

And that's the problem I have with them.

Remove the Christian Faith from the Earth and mankind will revert back to his primal past. And with it all the barbarism and bestiality that existed during mankind's

earliest existence will once again appear and consume the earth. All that is of beauty ,reason and light will disappear and eventually life itself

will die out. The earth would again orbit the sun ,mindlessly and without reason.
It is not what man does that steers the course of the earth. God is the Lord of history. God was sovereign in creation, God is sovereign in the historical process. And God’s just as sovereign in how it all ends as He was in how it all began. God is going to end history because He began it and He’s responsible for everything that happens. So there is a divine control over history. And may I say at the same time, there’s a divine plan in history. Things don’t happen by accident. They’re a part of God’s plan. Because, you see, it’s God who sees the end from the beginning, because it’s God who knows the times and the season. God knows exactly what He’s doing, the clock of God is never off one split second. Every single thing happening in this world today is happening right on schedule because God has a divine timetable and the result will be His Kingdom.