Quote Originally Posted by Christodoulos View Post
Pushing the six day creation story on everyone and then accusing them of not being faithful to scripture, is pure arrogance and yes,stupidity.

"Perhaps if I studied a little more,,, "

It's because I have studied "a little more" that I can tell you that the six day creation story is an allegorical /poetic two chapters, that can't be considered scientifically accurate.

If you can't understand that ,then all I can say, is that you've been hanging around with the ICR crowd of flat earthers.

So, maybe you should study how the scriptures were written ,how ,when and why.. for starters.

and you're no amb***ador ..
Hi Christodoulos,

So is your test to take scripture literally based on scientific accuracy? How does science view the virgin birth or the resurrection? How about walking on water or feeding 5000 with a few fish and loaves? I don't pretend to understand everything in the Bible but putting faith in the theories of men is easy, people do it every day.
Putting faith in what God says, the unseen, the not scientifically accurate is not so easy. If you want everything to be scientifically accurate, how do you know you are born again?
God is the One who created time and space and gravity and physics and every scientific principle and law we know, I see no good reason to doubt six day creation, especially any reason based on the theories of those who don't believe in Him anyway.
Also, if I am not an amb***ador it is to my shame, I will try to do better.