If Adam and Eve were real people,if they were humanity's original set of parents then how do you account for the various races which exist on planet earth.

The six day creationists claim the earth is about 6000 years old .

We can see what the earliest Egyptians looked like from about 4000 years ago by examining the graphics inside temples.

WE also know that during this time there were Blacks depicted as slaves on these same graphics.

So that should mean that in less than 2000 years from Adam and Eve to ancient Egypt the several races of man were formed.

And had migrated all over the world ..

But did not know each other .

But did not share anything from each other's culture .

And did not resemble each other physically. And had different bone structure and hair texture and eye sockets.

And also had different physical and intellectual abilities . All this had occurred in the space of much less thn 2000 years. Much less of you believe the flood story.

Now if you believe all that ,then you must be a card carrying member of the ICR gang of six day swindlers.