Now let us also review where we have seen the Young Earth teachers go off the deep end on the issues we have looked at so far...

What happens is that because the YE teacher holds that the sun was not made until the 4th day, this has caused them to need to invent an answer that at least 'sounds' correct....even if there is nothing really in the Bible to support it at all.

Thus because the YE Teacher has to drag the suns creation to the 4th day, they came up with all kinds of ways to light the earth for the "Let There Be Light" verse, that does not need the sun to be around.....

This is also kinda like what the Young earth teacher will do when they need to deal with the question of "the waters" and 'the deep" that appear in the story before they believe any rain has fell on the earth yet.....

They invent answers....

they need to invent all kinds of answers, that pop in and out of favor depending on what YEC book you are reading...
In one book a YEC writer might push the "sourceless light" idea, but in a later book a different YEC writer might dismiss that idea as silly.....

I just think that if you stick close to the story as written you dont need to do any of the stuff......
The story reads just fine as is...and in complete agreement with evolution and science by the way......