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Thread: Why to NOT take Genesis literally.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Dec 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Still have no questions on anything I have said?

    I just disagree with you in general.

    I'm not an expert or even a laymen in this topic so I'm not really qualified or prepared to give great re****als.

  2. #2


    I seek only to have you ask me anything about what I'm saying...any parts you may doubt and want to know how can what I say be totally true?

    Ask me just whatever you think is different than what others say

  3. #3


    I believe that because the YEC teachings have spread like a cancer within the Body, that it has the effect of driving out some of our best and brightest bro and sisters from the church.

    All; because they cant turn a blind eye to the fact that 2things are true.
    #1, evolution has more than been supported by science....
    #2, that when you look at the genesis story you don't actually find any Anti-Evolution arguments.

    I believe that if I can get you to take a good close look at what the text of the Bible really says in black and white,that you will come to see that there is no argument with evolution here in the text at all.

    In fact,if you stick close to the text what you find is a story that walks right with evolution....they walk hand in hand...

  4. #4


    I like to start out by pointing to the opening verses of the Genesis story.

    it says, "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

    QUESTION:....what does it say was created first "In the beginning"?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    I like to start out by pointing to the opening verses of the Genesis story.

    it says, "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

    QUESTION:....what does it say was created first "In the beginning"?

    The answer is:
    The answer as we all know is that the Bible teaches that the very first things God created were the "heavens" and the earth.

    Now this word "Heavens"can have many different meanings in context, but the important meaning here in genesis is that we can say its talking about all the stars and worlds and black holes and gas giants out in space.

    So in other words, the term "Heavens"is the one single correct term to describe All that stuff!!

    Thus right here at the start of the Genesis story we have God creating the SOURCE for all the light talked about later.

    Both the light listed on day 1 and the light listed on day 4 have a source now.

    This is why the YEC teachings are in error so badly.
    The YEC teachers dont understand that there in no need to invent some type of an unknown source-less light.
    The light of Genesis has a listed source thats the very same source that we see in the sky today!
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 03-30-2016 at 05:59 AM.

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