Quote Originally Posted by jude1:3 View Post
I'm saying this because you are teaming up with and agreeing with DrDavidT who has done nothing but criticize and disagree with every thread I've posted.

That is because you do not know what you are talking about.

Here I am trying to help and encourage the faith of believers to show them Biblical Archeology and Christian History and then DrDavidT comes along and wants to destroy their faith. Not only that, but then you chime in and are "Supposedly" on the Christians side, but you are agreeing with DrDavidT instead.
You are not encouraging them but misleading them but your ignorance and failure to double check the information you are claiming to be 'proof' of some biblical location.

You also have a problem with taking criticism or being shown that you are over-stepping the boundaries when it comes to biblical archaeology and God's rules.