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Thread: Interesting video about The Book of Enoch

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  1. #34
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    A Collective Post of Church Fathers and Others Quoting The Book of Enoch, Mentioning The Book of Enoch or making reference to Fallen Angels mating with human women :

    Church Father Tertullian Literally Calls The Book of Enoch Scripture:

    1. • Tertullian - On the Apparel of Women - Book 1 - Chapter 3:1-3 (160-220 A.D.)

    “I am aware that The Scripture of Enoch which has ***igned this order of action to angels, is not received by some, because it is not admitted into the Jewish canon either. I suppose they did not think that, having been published before the deluge, it could have safely survived that world-wide calamity, the abolisher of all things. If that is the reason for rejecting it, let them recall to their memory that Noah, the survivor of the deluge, was the great-grandson of Enoch himself; and he, of course, had heard and remembered, from domestic renown and hereditary tradition, concerning his own great-grandfather’s ‘grace in the sight of God,’ (Genesis 6:8) and concerning all his preachings; since Enoch had given no other charge to Methuselah than that he should hand on the knowledge of them to his posterity. Noah therefore, no doubt, might have succeeded in the trusteeship of his preaching; or, had the case been otherwise, he would not have been silent alike concerning the disposition of things made by God, his Preserver, and concerning the particular glory of his own house.
    “If Noah had not had this conservative power by so short a route, there would still be this consideration to warrant our ***ertion of the genuineness of this Scripture: he could equally have renewed it, under the Spirit’s inspiration, after it had been destroyed by the violence of the deluge, as, after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian storming of it, every document of the Jewish literature is generally agreed to have been restored through Ezra.
    But since Enoch in the same Scripture has preached likewise concerning the Lord, nothing at all must be rejected by us which pertains to us; and we read that ‘every Scripture suitable for edification is divinely inspired.’ (2 Timothy 3:16) By the Jews it may now seem to have been rejected for that very reason, just like all the other portions nearly which tell of Christ. Nor, of course, is this fact wonderful, that they did not receive some Scriptures which spake of Him whom even in person, speaking in their presence, they were not to receive. To these considerations is added the fact that Enoch possesses a testimony in the Apostle Jude.” (Jude 1:14-15)

    2. • Tertullian - On the Apparel of Women - Book 2 - Chapter 10 - (160-220 A.D.)

    But, if the self-same angels who disclosed both the material substances of this kind and their charms— of gold, I mean, and lustrous stones— and taught men how to work them, and by and by instructed them, among their other (instructions), in (the virtues of) eyelid-powder and the dyeings of fleeces, have been condemned by God, As Enoch Tells Us, how shall we please God while we joy in the things of those (angles) who, on these accounts, have provoked the anger and the vengeance of God?

    Tertullian Quoting 1 Enoch 99:6-7

    3. • Tertullian - On Idolatry - Chapter 4 (160-220 A.D.)

    Enoch had preceded, predicting that the demons, and the spirits of the angelic apostates, would turn into idolatry all the elements, all the garniture of the universe, all things contained in the heaven, in the sea, in the earth, that they might be consecrated as God, in opposition to God. All things, therefore, does human error worship, except the Founder of all Himself. The images of those things are idols; the consecration of the images is idolatry. Whatever guilt idolatry incurs, must necessarily be imputed to every artificer of every idol. In short, the same Enoch fore-condemns in general menace both idol-worshippers and idol-makers together. And again: "I swear to you, sinners, that against the day of perdition of blood repentance is being prepared. You who serve stones, and you who make images of gold, and silver, and wood, and stones and clay, and serve phantoms, and demons, and spiritsin fanes, and all errors not according to knowledge, shall find no help from them "

    • Tertullian - On Idolatry - Chapter 4 (160-220 A.D.)

    And again I swear to you, ye sinners, that sin is prepared for a day of unceasing bloodshed. And they who worship stones, and grave images of gold and silver and wood (and stone) and clay, and those who worship impure spirits and demons, and all kinds of idols not according to knowledge, shall get no manner of help from them.

    • 1 Enoch 99:6-7

    4. • Origen - de Principiis - Book 1 - Chapter 3 - Section 3 (185-254 A.D.)

    That all things were created by God, and that there is no creature which exists but has derived from Him its being, is established from many declarations of Scripture; those ***ertions being refuted and rejected which are falsely alleged by some respecting the existence either of a matter co-eternal with God, or of unbegotten souls, in which they would have it that God implanted not so much the power of existence, as equality and order. For even in that little treatise called The Pastor or Angel of Repentance, composed by Hennas, we have the following: "First of all, believe that there is one God who created and arranged all things; who, when nothing formerly existed, caused all things to be; who Himself contains all things, but Himself is contained by none." And In The Book Of Enoch Also We Have Similar Descriptions.

    5. • Anatolius (3rd Century)- Ante Nicene Fathers - Book 6 - Section 5

    But I shall p*** on without demanding such copious demonstrations (on subjects ) from which the veil of the Mosaic law has been removed; for now it remains for us with unveiled face to behold ever as in a gl*** Christ Himself and the doctrines and sufferings of Christ. But that the first month among the Hebrews is about the equinox, Is Clearly Shown Also By What Is Taught In The Book Of Enoch.

    6. • Justin Martyr wrote in his Second Apology - Chapter 5 (100-165 A.D.)

    But the angels transgressed this appointment, and were captivated by love of women, and begat children who are those that are called demons; and besides, they afterwards subdued the human race to themselves, partly by magical writings, and partly by fears and the punishments they occasioned, and partly by teaching them to offer sacrifices, and incense, and libations, of which things they stood in need after they were enslaved by lustful p***ions; and among men they sowed murders, wars, adulteries, intemperate deeds, and all wickedness. Whence also the poets and mythologists, not knowing that it was the angels and those demons who had been begotten by them that did these things to men, and women, and cities, and nations, which they related, ascribed them to god himself, and to those who were accounted to be his very offspring, and to the offspring of those who were called his brothers, Neptune and Pluto, and to the children again of these their offspring. For whatever name each of the angels had given to himself and his children, by that name they called them“.
    Last edited by jude1:3; 04-25-2018 at 05:29 AM.
    The Fruits of Macroevolution are: Atheism, Social Darwinism, Racism, Eugenics and No Moral Absolutes.

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