what I had to study in Bible School was the future issue we see here, that I would one day run into people that would hold up the fact that many types of non-canonical sources are quoted in the Bible.

We were made aware of just how many different places in the Holy Text we will find quotes from all kinds of historical works that are not held by the church as being`inspired.

Thats the thing.....many people that grasp onto the Book of Enoch just because it gets quoted a bunch of times in church history and suggest it should be included in the Bible have mixed up the concepts of a work being "useful" with being "Inspired"...

There is no doubt to me that many sources were used by the different writers of the Bible and in church history when they made their points.
There is no problem to me with the use of quotes from books like Enoch as well as many other books that the church has rejected.
Thats not an issue because just because a book might not be inspired by the Holy Spirit does not mean it cant be yet useful to the church in some manner.

So if this or that Christian wants to study the many books that the church has in it's long history that have been always rejected as not inspired?...thats fine.

But as my Bible School teachers predicted, I do have to point out a few times though the years to people that have jumped to a wrong conclusion based only on the fact that a church father quoted something from a non-Bible source, and so they decided that anything so quoted must mean it's also as equally inspired at any other book in the Bible....

I tell them that "That dont mean that at all, friend"