How Alan Molstad uses Satan's tactic.....
(a truth revealed by TheWay)

I can understand why you say in wasn't you that converted anyone...
Because let's face it, you don't know the answers to the most basics of how a person is saved. Likewise, whenever I ask you about your interpretation of a Bible verse, you deflect to someone else's interpretation. You also talk about not having to have a perfect testimony... which is true, however, I have yet to detect even the slightest bit of a testimony or faith from you. You can't even bring yourself to ***le what you posted as a testimony, you called it a story.

You my friend, are the typical Critic... you blame your failings on God and refuse to take any blame for your part in it.

Well go ahead, you don't need to feign humbleness, because you deserve ALL the credit as God was nowhere to be found in the story you told.

Let me prove it by quoting your own words...

"Yes, the bunch of photocopies that I handed out after each of our meeting, mostly just as an after thought, had been the key thing that got him and his family out of the JW religion."

You are literally saying it was doubt and disbelief that brought them out of the JWs to God.

Sorry, God does not work that way, God does not deal in doubt, questioning, or in disbelief.... never has God told anyone to doubt; for doubt is the polar opposite of faith. The only thing Christ has ever said about doubt is to "Doubt Not". That's because doubt only breeds more doubt. That's why if you were ever successful at dragging someone out of the Mormon Church, its a known fact that most will never join another Church.

Doubt is the exclusive domain of Satan... Even from the very beginning he asked Eve “Did God actually say...?”

Just whose side are you on anyway?

The only way you can know something is true is for the Spirit to reveal it to you, however the Spirit will not reveal to you that something is false (like what you are claiming happened), because that would take away your God given free agency...