Quote Originally Posted by jade84116 View Post
Evangelicals claim to be moderate Calvinists, but they're divided over how to define what a moderate Calvinist is. Dr. James R. White of Alpha and Omega Ministries and Dr. John MacArthur of Grace to You Ministries both insist that a moderate Calvinist believes that salvation is all of God or grace. Other evangelicals like the late Jerry Falwell, Dave Hunt of the Berean Call and Dr. Norman Geisler insist that Grace includes freewill, their mantra being Chosen But Free. White's, MacArthur's, Falwell's, Hunt's and Geisler's videos are online at Youtube.com if you want to immerse yourself in that controversy. Any opinions on the controversy.
Not ALL Evangelicals make that claim. Many of us are happy to identify with Arminianism. I have seen knowledgeably Wesleyan-Arminians say that in practical terms, Geisler's "Moderate Calvinism" is barely (if at all) distinguishable from Arminianism, and I *think* I recall Geisler's son agreeing. Even in the book that sort of started this round of the debate, Chosen but Free, the book in which he self-identified with "Moderate" Calvinism, Geisler repudiated "Extreme" Arminianism (specifically "Open" Theism), but did not criticize "Moderate" Arminianism. One might reasonably conclude that while he identifies with what he calls Moderate Calvinism, Geisler would not feel far out of place within Moderate Arminianism.