Quote Originally Posted by BrotherBrian View Post
And there are yet other ministries that are Christians who do retain the authority of Scripture, even when it flies in the face of tradition, that encourages gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender to identify as the "born eunuchs" that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 19:11-12, but that the Church refuses to teach on. There are also eunuchs mentioned in Isaiah 56:1-8 where God says that eunuchs will be accepted in His congregation, yet many congregations not only refuse to acknowledge that it is an unfulfilled prophecy. Could it be that the church is opposed to ****sexuality only because they fail to recognize the eunuchs of the Scriptures?

Just saying......
Please expound or restate this. "Eunuchs" are physically incapable of sexual intercourse. If a person decides to remain celibate, like Paul encourages in 1 Cor. 7, it is a better stance on a life of chas***y than the four groupings you just identified acting on their same sex attractions, with exception to the transgender due to being born with an abnormal condition, and even the so called "bi-sexual" which would be offensive to the sanc***y of marriage between male and female. I could give you clear reference from the Catechism of the Catholic Church if you are infering the Catholic Church. I could even point to Early Church Fathers, some Reformers, and other types of documentation based on a particular church tradition... Methodists should take head to Wesley, Lutheran to Luther, Reformed to Calvin, etc.. However, I do not not really know where you are coming from. What particular church do you affiliate with?