Quote Originally Posted by asdf View Post
For those who believe that:

  1. 100% of embryos, blastocysts, fetuses, babies, and children (up to an 'age of accountability' go to paradise if they die; and
  2. The vast majority of people over the age of accountability will be eternally tormented after they die

Would not the most logical and moral stance be to terminate as many pregnancies (and indeed, kill newborns and children!) as possible? By all probability, would it not be 'rescuing' people, from an eternal perspective?

What am I missing here?
We develop and reveal our true character in the face of opposition, even if that opposition results in our death, so to deprive your child of those types of experiences just because life can get really hard sometimes, would be to deprive them of those opportunities... which perhaps could even help others by seeing the way they "lived" their lives until their death.