Something that we keep seeing on boards like this one from critics of Mormonism is the idea that Mormonism is not true or false based on anything other than Mormonism. The critics use this as an excuse to refuse having an actualy discussion or dialogue about faith or Jesus Christ. So whenever a critic is asked to engage in an actual discussion, meaning they also answer questions about THEIR positions and beliefs, they hide behind this self-made cloak to avoid sharing their beliefs of what they believe to be true.

The critics seem to think that, since Mormonism is either true or not regardless of the critcs' faith, that they are not obligated to share their faith. But if the critics' faith is true (which obviously they believe it is), then by nit sharing it and presenting something better for the LDS to accept and leave Mormonism, they are not really doing any Christian service or witnessing for Jesus Christ. For them, the end is to get someone out of Mormonism but not to get them to follow Jesus like they do. Now I realize the critics' response will be that in order for them to find the "real Jesus" the Mormon needs to have their current paradigm transformed and so they have to tear down that paradigm. But that is simply a rouse to avoid actually sharing with the LDS why THEIR beliefs are the correct way.

The most prolific critics that post here have actually professed that they are not here to discuss whether Mormonism is true or not, but rather to ask questions of Mormons and then sit high on their loft and scoffing at the Mormon's answers and claiming that whatever answer is given is a sign of the mental deficiency that is in the minds of LDS people. So much for bringing people closer to Jesus!!

Then you have the other MO of the critics that say, "I'm not here to discuss MY faith. Your faith-claims are not determined by mine." But they don't seem to realize that if their own faith is not sufficient to share and hopefully (in their eyes) replace the LDS faith, then what good is it to tear down the LDS faith without replacing it with what they believe is better, superior, and true?