Where did Mitt fail?

Lets review:
Mitt out spent everyone, and after a solid performance in NH Mitt came into the Sc Primary ready to make it 3 in a row and end this right here and now.

The only guy that was close to Mitt in the polls had just been dragged in the mud by his ex-wife, and the whole country was talking about what a **** husband he was...

So, how did Mitt end up getting so spanked?

I think it came down to 2 moments over the past week where we can see Mitt **** his lead though incompetence.

#1 - the debate.
Newt did ok in the debate handling the "open marriage/ex-wife " issue, and Mitt cant do anything about that.

But where Mitt totally screwed up during the debate was over the question of his own tax returns.
When challenged to follow in his own father's footsteps and act in the same manner with the tax return issue, Mitt dropped the ball.

It had to make even his strongest supporters groan when they watched Mitt act like he had something to hide with his income tax return.

This just was a game-changing moment in the SC primary.

#2 - The other moment when Mitt failed, was when Mitt once again refused to be part of the pro-Life forum.

Mitt ended up being represented by an "empty chair" at the one place where he could have stood up for himself and gotten the conservatives to hear him out.

All the other guys in the race where there.
Newt used the pro-life forum to brag about his own history supporting the pro-life cause.

Mitt's names was dragged in the mud, and because Mitt had decided to not be there to defend himself, the attacks made against him sunk in in the minds of the conservatives there.

Mitt's lack of participation once again pointed out that Mitt simply does not share in our conservative views the way we do.

So the debate, and the empty chair are what caused Mitt to drop in the polls.

Time will tell now how this is handled by Mitt's staff in Florida?
Will changes be made?
Will the things that caused Mitt to drop down in SC be fixed in Florida?