Quote Originally Posted by Apologette View Post
And both groups can stand for good things - for Life, and for the sanc***y of traditional marriage. Who knows what will happen to this country if Obama is in for four more years! We're already half-way Socialist! And Obamacare will break us financially, especially those (like my husband and myself) who are retired. Together we can stand against this stuff, and put our differences to the side (for a while! )
If you are retired--QE3 might mean your doom. Those on fixed incomes are really going to hurt if we keep printing money to help the economy. With QE1 and 2...we should have seen record inflation. (Although we are seeing inflation in food and gas prices--commodities.) This did not happen because of the fear of Obamacare on taxes and the financial regulations that are choking the banks. The end result is a lot of money being dumped into stocks. When that money finally breaks lose, it will hurt seniors the most.

As a friend of mine said--my small business will not survive 4 more years of Obama. He stated that if he gets reelected, he will be out of business. Small businesses just cannot keep up with the regulations and proposed taxes. It will be a double whammy---those on fixed incomes will suffer and those who are trying to keep up with taxes of a small business will suffer.