Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
Now stories on NDE are found a lot within the church.
The christian book store in your city likely has many books where people will tell a story of going to heaven or hell,,,seeing people long dead, and getting to talk with all kinds of beings.

Thats fine.
I got no problem with a person telling a great story.
And I got no problem if in the reading of such a story a reader takes from the story a healthy life lesson.

The problem I worry about is that a lot of people read these stroies and consider them more important than the bible itself.

There is a very real danger that such people place so much trust in a story of a NDE that they dont notice if the story goes off the rails and starts to teach things against the bible.

Thus, I dont trust any NDE story very much.
I consider them at most "entertaining"
It's possible God would use them to reinforce Biblical faith that a person already has. As long as it agrees with the Word it should be fine.