Since I was kind of bored tonight, I thought I would take James Banta's conjecture (in red) and his issues with LDS repentance and add a little commentary with my questions to YOU, the non-LDS here:

Quote Originally Posted by James Banta
The sinner must have "Sorrow for Sin"
Doesn't seem like a problem. If one is to repent of their sins they must feel a genuine sense of sorrow, an understanding of what they did that was an offense to God. To be healed from sickness one must first recognize they are sick.

What is wrong with this step according to you non-LDS?

Quote Originally Posted by James Banta
Then "Confess" the sin. If it's minor God can handle it but if it's a big sin like adultery you have to tell a man..
Yes, we must confess our sins to God so He can forgive us. When LDS confess more grave sins (like adultry, as James knows about quite well) to the church leaders, it is not in order to receive any type of forgiveness since they have not the power to forgive. It is to receive their guidance and help in returning to the path of God and being an upstanding member of the church of God here on earth.

What is wrong with this step according to non-LDS?

Quote Originally Posted by James Banta
You have to stop sinning "Abandon Sin". No one has ever done this so my guess is that not a single mormon ever dies with a clean conscience.
If someone is to repent of adultry (James), then it makes perfect sense that true repentance requires that the person refrain from committing adultry again. When you repented of your adultry, James, did you quit doing it? Or are you of the opinion that one can simply ask for forgiveness of adultry on Friday and then go out and do it again on Sa****ay and then ask God for forgieness again in Sunday, only to go do it again on Monday?

That you claim "no one has ever abandoned sin" is a gross misrepresentation and misunderstanding on your part of the principle of repentance and forgiveness.

What is wrong with the idea of stopping the sin that is being repented of according to non-LDS?

Quote Originally Posted by James Banta
The sinner MUST make Res***ution.. How do you make res***ution for murder or adultery?
When we repent, we need to correct the wrong. If I steal a bike from my neighbor, I am not truly repenting if I simply ask for God's forgiveness and then continue riding my newly ill-gotten bike in front of my neighbor's house.

Some sins cannot be restored, as James suggests, which is why we always need the atonement of Jesus. His atonement paid the price of our sins and it is through His atonement that the payment for the res***ution is made.

What is wrong with the principle of righting a wrong as part of our repentance process according to the non-LDS?

Quote Originally Posted by James Banta
You must change your ways to "Righteous Living".. Again no one has ever done this so again not mormon can be saved..
When one truly seeks reprentance, they do so with a spirit of wanting to follow God better, to become more like Him. That requires that we change aspects of our lifestyle in order to conform more to the path that God wants us to follow. If I repent of frequenting strip clubs, I am not truly repentant if I do not change my lifestyle and stop going to those strip clubs.

What is wrong with the principle of changing your lifestyle to be more righteous as part of the repentance process according to the non-LDS?