Here is a really good example of the kind of insanity cultists of Anti-LDS Inc. resort to. Watch this exchange between me and a rabid Anti-Mo (Theo). Watch how quickly Anti-LDS make accusations and then when LDS defend themselves the Anti-LDS cry 'Personal Attack!!':

Russ: LDS at CARM avoid testimonies other than their own.

Me: I got about 45 minutes into it. Don't really need to see more.

But I am LDS, and at CARM, and didn't avoid it.

Theo: So if a critic were only to read half of the Book of Mormon, and on that basis reject it, you would be okay about it, and you wouldn't be whining that they needed to read the whole thing before making a determination?

Me: I would be okay about it. There is so much great stuff about Jesus Christ in the first half of the Book of Mormon that if someone only read that much and rejected it, they probably would reject the rest anyway.

Theo: Serously?!

Me: Well, sure!

Theo: Why don't I believe you?

Me: Because you are an Anti-Mormon/ LDS-critic, and that's what critics do.

Just look at the start of this thread. The first response to Russ' OP was Russ, making the first attack on the LDS.

It's what you guys do.

Theo: Russ bumped the thread after 11 hours, where it probably got buried into page 2. You guys complain when we bump a thread after only one hour, and now you whine when we bump threads after 11 hours? Seriously? Yet Mormons "bump" threads all the time, nice double standard you have there.

As for "attacking LDS", I didn't see it as an "attack" at all. But you guy seem to interpret anything other than a blind proclamation of "Mormonism is true!" to be an "attack". And since your entire church was started as an "attack" on Christianity, I'm not really impressed with your whining. More double standards

Me: I think thou protesteth too much.

Theo: <chuckle>

You don't want us to respond, so that your whines will stand unrefuted.

So if we respond, you engage in personal attack.

Me: You should really re-read your posts before accusing others of whining.

Theo: Thank you for the personal attack.
God will bless me for it, and He will hold you to account.


See? Anti-LDS Inc. will accuse a Mormon of "whining". As soon as the Mormon turns it around and say the Anti-LDS person is the one whining, they cry "Personal attack!!!!"