Just when you thought the Anti-LDS Inc. crowd couldn't get more absurd:

Dear Apollos,

You have received a warning at Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums | Christian Chat.

Rule 12: Insulted Other Member(s). Attacking users. Rule 25: Freedom of Speech: Freedom of speech here comes with the responsibility to speak decently within the parameters of the rules.By registering you are agreeing not to be vulgar, divisive,insulting,profane, etc. (read all the rules). It helps to try and treat others as you want to be treated. Send alerts, do not attempt to moderate posters (Luke 6:31)

no matter the provocation, as in "he's.....4." Just leave it alone, when you see someone violating a rule and alert the mods.

Original Post:

Originally Posted by biblos
Hey dumb dumb......
There's the fruit of the cult of Anti-LDS Inc.

Not to mention....my 4 year old would say that and giggle.

But he's.......4

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Christian Discussion Forums | CARM Christian Forums | Christian Chat
That's right.

And Anti-Mo called a Mormon a "dumb dumb". I figured I would report it, but I also responded to it with the above comments (in blue).

Apparently it was insulting to:

1) point out that these are fruits of anti-mormonism

2) tell them that my 4 year old has made the same comment.