Quote Originally Posted by James Banta View Post
We can say that God does have a body of Flesh and Bone in the Person of Jesus.. So at the fave time we must agree that Jesus is the invisible God who is spirit, a spirit that has not flesh and bone.. I am fine with that too.. God isn't three separate beings, He is One Lord. Everything that the Father and Holy Spirit is so is Christ..

Ok is God in hell? OF COURSE!! Jesus took my sin and paid the FULL penalty for it.. That means He will eternally be in Hell.. Not only is He there to pay my debt, but He created the place.. In doing that His eternal omnipresent nature make it impossible not to be there.. So you can limit God to fit your preconceived anti Bible notion of what He is or you can read His word and see that He is as I said before. That God is to Big too be constrained even in the feebly mind of men.. IHS jim

Yeah, what 'theway" said.