The Ex-Mormon Foundation provides very interesting information about leaving the LDS cult. Personal stories and videos are helpful tools for those who are having doubts about Mormonism. And let's face it, Mormonism is NOT what it purports to be. Mormonism is a secret, Masonic type organization that keeps its finances under wrap, builds malls, buys up real estate, and acts like an investment corporation rather than a Church founded by Jesus, Who cared for the poor and hated financial greed! Not only does the cult keep its finances secret, it hides its more esoteric beliefs from those it is seeking to convert! God was once a man from another planet; men will become gods and goddesses ruling over planets and producing spirit babies; weird Masonic-based temple rites where men dress up in bakers' hats and women wear silly costumes that look like the first communion outfits of little Catholic girls; learning secret handshakes which you must later exchange with a wiggling had sticking out from a hole in the sacred Mormon temple veil and on and on! Educated people begin to wonder exactly what they've involved themselves with! And they will either do one or two of three things: Stop going to the Mormon church; research Mormonism and find out how they were seduced by the Mormon miisonaries; shut up and go along with the flow for the sake of the family while not believing any of it at all.

However, long-term Mormons, those whose families go back to the very beginning of the Mormon cult, are also leaving. Steve Benson, the grandson of Mormon "prophet" Ezra Benson, is a good example. Sandra Tanner is another. The cult is beginning to crumble, and I don't think any amount of remodeling is going to do much to plug the hole in the dike.

Take a look at this site, especially if you want to GET OUT: